Not even the ghost of obsolescence can coerce users onto Windows 11

Flying to – 657 points –
Windows 11 installs still dramatically trail Windows 10

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Valheim works like a charm too

Valheim doesn't work anywhere like a charm, Windows included. They like certain nVidia cards but other than that it's one of the worst optimized games I had disfortune to use.

It works fine if you're the chosen one.

I can play it fine in my machine, both windows and Linux, but most of my friends can't get it to work anywhere close to fine.

It's also terrible on steam deck.

It runs fine for me on Linux, same as it does in Windows, always has since release. I am using an Nvidia card though, so maybe I lucked out.

Thats unfortunately true.What I ment was that it runs much better than windows that tend to BSOD if I'm lucky or shut down my computer after a couple of minutes.