Not arachnophobic, but looked down and saw this lady racing up my shirt, a few inches from my neck. My scream was internal.

AFK BRB to – 189 points –

I managed not to hurt it as I brushed it off.


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Hard to tell without a good look at the abdomen, but I think this is a barn spider. The bite isn't bad for humans. They are very creepy cute when resting, they fold their legs up and become a kind of diamond shape.

Edit: It looks like both Neoscona crucifera and Araneus cavaticus are commonly called barn spiders. I linked to the first but the second is the namesake.

That's Neoscona crucifera, similar but not a barn spider.

It looks like both Neoscona crucifera and Araneus cavaticus are called barn spiders, though the latter is the namesake. Thanks for the specifics, I learned something new and will update my comment :D

Thanks, too. I didn't realise Neoscona was also refered to as barn spider. I really should have known that.

I basically called you out for using the "wrong" common name, though the pictures were of the right spiders. Sorry about that.

No need to apologize at all! I'm a novice spider lover so I'm constantly learning. I think Neoscona can be called a barn spider but it's not THE barn spider. Confusing but nice to know.

Ok yeah that’s kinda cute, from a safe distance, like through my phone