12 Post – 156 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The toll of core life events. Having a child, taking care of elderly grandparents/parents. I thought it would be easier. Not easy but "he's not heavy; he's my brother" kind of easier. Maybe it's me, but it feels like I'm constantly running on empty. Caregiver burnout is a real beast.

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"I won't be available that day but I will make a donation to XYZ Org that helped my aunt when she had breast cancer."

Don't try to educate how Susan G Komen is awful, that's tricky to keep professional and might be a losing battle. Instead educate about awesome charities that do good work. If you're asked to donate to both, then really lean into how much your aunt loves this other charity over G Komen.

You can also kill them with kindness by thanking them for the reminder if they still don't leave. Extra points if they're super aggressive, ask if the company will match your donation :)

Hey I can answer that 100% truthfully. I don't know :)

Add some love to it. Put it on a plate, add a sprig of whatever, eat with a fancy fork, whatever it is that makes you happy. It's a little gift of love to yourself. Soon after living on my own I realized I could eat whatever I wanted out of those big wine glasses. So... I did. Juice, yogurt, cereal, mac and cheese. I liked how it looked and it was a small thing that made my day brighter.

I remember asking my 8th grade english teacher if she got tired of reading young adult books. She said no, good books are good no matter the age range. Now I'm a couple decades older and 100% agree.

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Talk to your doctor if you don't feel like you're seeing any effects. The Internet isn't qualified for this.

And I look super ugly

Honey I wish I could give you a hug. Your body is on a journey right now, be kind to yourself.

Bro I'm just ugly.

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My mom's favorite thing is cherries. I love my mom and I love cherries, but she ate so many that I can't stand the thought of eating fresh cherries. It's been maybe 20 years since I've had a fresh cherry and I expect it'll be many more until I can sit down with a bowl. Love cherries in dishes though.

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Even for the most gentle shipment service, this doesn't look like enough packaging.

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I have a distant sibling that I've been building a relationship with over long distance. Saw them in-person and realized that they have quite a few toxic traits from one of our narcissistic parents. I don't know what to do now. I'm pretty traumatized from that parent and my sibling doesn't see any of it as a negative. I don't think I have the ability to open their eyes on it, either. I want the relationship I thought we had.

I love it when movies show deep friendships between men/women that don't inevitably become a romance. Not every situation is Harry met Sally and it's okay to have fulfilling, close relationships with people in your romantic orientation.

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Bright red blood? Probably not a problem but talk to your doctor if it's persistent

Dark red to black? More serious, anywhere from get-to-the-ER-now to make an appointment asap.

What I liked about Reddit was the balance of content and community. There's nothing on the Internet that hits the same balance for me. Lemmy feels like the early days of Reddit, in that way it's refreshing. But I miss being able to read through dozens of comments.

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Hard to tell without a good look at the abdomen, but I think this is a barn spider. The bite isn't bad for humans. They are very creepy cute when resting, they fold their legs up and become a kind of diamond shape.

Edit: It looks like both Neoscona crucifera and Araneus cavaticus are commonly called barn spiders. I linked to the first but the second is the namesake.

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Do you mind ELI5 what exercising valves means? Is it just opening and closing?

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What I used to do was make notes at the end of the day. Just a couple short bullet points to say at standup and help me get back on track a little faster the next morning.

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I've come to firmly believe that all games should have an invulnerability setting for the sake of accessibility. It's probably one of the easier settings to implement for most games and it would have the most impact for the wide range of accessibility needs out there.

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Never heard of a banana in a pb&j. Make it pb and nutella w/ banana and I'd be all over that.

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I try to make a daily post in !

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Duplicate subs, people bulk posting, low content volume are all growing pains that I think will be a lot better in a couple months.

Apart from that, my advice is to experiment. I use Connect on mobile and usually switch between All/Frontpage and Hot/New. There are options on the app to hide seen posts. If you look at All a lot you'll probably want to block communities to make your feed a better experience.

If he can't pay back the bank loans, how will he be able to pay back yours?

Best: Get to solve logic problems, create, and learn. Somehow get paid for this.

Worst: Interviewing between jobs requires a different set of skills than the everyday work.

Source: Unemployed software engineer.

Fallout. The one that comes to mind is the Fallout 4 menu music, but I've gotten that feeling with nearly all their games.

"Do you mind ..." has been mis-answered for so long that yes means no. It's hard to explain because written down, yes/no have different meanings, but when speaking to someone it depends on tone, context, and body language.

"Do you mind if I take that seat"

"No" "Yeah" depending on tone can both mean, "I'm fine with you taking that seat". Most people will add on to make the intention clearer like, "Yeah, go ahead" but not always. Absolutely crazy.

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Yes. For many companies, a 4-yr degree is a non-negotiable requirement. Any 4 year degree just to be considered. If you manage to get a good job without a degree, you will still be categorized by HR as a degree holder or not. This doesn't always factor into raises, promotions, layoffs, but it can.

'Cute' is just a positive word saying the outfit's nice. 'Sexy' is the pregnancy of the fashion world. Don't tell someone they look sexy unless you're really sure and maybe not even then. Not all women who are sexy are trying to look sexy, and 'sexy' means different things to different people.

Maybe not 100% what you're looking for, but Pornhub has sex ed videos and a sex wellness center. For fetishplay, you probably need to ask the communities for resources.

Spatchcock that turkey and it'll bake no problem

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If it's pvp then sure it's cheating but why would it be cheating for a single player game? Isn't the point to have fun?

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This only works if the product isn't in demand. Degrees are in high demand - jobs require them, better jobs require multiple and higher prestige degrees. That isn't going to change.

Instead those rich enough would still get a degree, but middle and lower classes would be cut out. In the end it would create a wider gap between the classes.

Too much butter and maybe an earthquake.

Can I get a link for that kind of job security?

Yes and diet soda isn't a perfect alternative. We're still learning about the long term effects of artificial sweeteners. It's a headache trying to navigate the options.

There are seltzer waters that have caffeine. I would guess those are comparable to black coffee in terms of healthiness.

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I find they take the edge off my food cravings. But if you have a balanced diet with no natural deficiencies then you're probably fine.

YES. Main characters don't have chemistry and a romance adds nothing? Let them be, it doesn't have to be forced.

I can't speak for everyone, but asking myself "why" has helped me introspect. If I have a bad reaction to something or don't when I should, I ask myself why. After a couple rounds of "why" it usually comes down to childhood experiences or social expectations. At least for me. Eventually it gets easier and being able to id the source helps figure out the positive steps to correct it.

Exactly. If you can smell it, then there's molecules in the air and that's going to mean it's also on the food. It's completely insignificant though. Eating next to a dumpster doesn't mean my food's contaminated even though technically those same molecules that I'm smelling are getting on the food.

Basic trouble shooting cause this is weird and I have no idea:

  1. If you disconnect the Ethernet, does it still tick?

  2. Does restarting the printer help?

  3. Can you turn the printers wi-fi off?

My wildest guesses are it could be trying to print off a test page, receiving a signal to print but no info, or maybe it's switching between checking WiFi and Ethernet.

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Just finished The Librarians and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Onto Good Omens but have no idea how to follow this trio.

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