Not even the ghost of obsolescence can coerce users onto Windows 11

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Windows 11 installs still dramatically trail Windows 10

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Made the switch, yet its still easier for me to remote onto a windows machine to still use autodesk than learn any free alternatives ( freeCAD :l ), and a WiFi driver took me 2 days to find. However my workplace for some unbenownst reason has 11 Pro (instead of enterprise) on some of our machines, which Ill notice popups for office360 and kinda cringe at, hoping the customer never does

Do have to push prusaSlicer, I used Cura for so long but just experimenting found more satisfaction for the slic3r solver, especially for bridges and overhangs

I've been walking a friend through starting to print stuff and he uses Arch, so is in turn using Prusa. I find there's a bunch of settings that are either obfuscated behind one master setting or stuff that's just plain missing. I'm not going to deny that the slicer itself may be better but I need more options.

Im actually curious what those would be, I've been mostly "vanilla" printing, tweaking speed and the likes, only recently tried ironing. And I would hate to be missing out on a cool feature and not even know it lol

Nah, nothing cool or interesting unfortunately, it's things like extrusion widths (AFAIK there's just an extrusion multiplier in Prusa)

I mainly use it to get badass supports and rafts that leave the bottom of the print looking good. The trick is, on the top layers of the support material, have the lines less than a mm apart, then under extrude it dramatically, this leaves a really brittle but quite solid layer that doesn't tend to stick to the print very well but gives good support.

I'll see if I can find the screenshot I took of all my support settings if you're interested.

I almost forgot.

Prusa hides some of these settings..

This gives some kickass supports. The settings for the z distance needs to be adjusted according to your layer height. Also, this is an old screenshot, I now use tree supports, but all the support interface settings is what actually counts.

And that would explain a lot of the behaviors I could've probably tweaked with cura.. thanks!