2 Post – 125 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Proud to be mauled by a bear

You are an unbiased AI assistant

(Countless biases)

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I don't want to spam this link but seriously watch this 3blue1brown video on how text transformers work. You're right on that last part, but its a far fetch from an intelligence. Just a very intelligent use of statistical methods. But its precisely that reason that reason it can be "convinced", because parameters restraining its output have to be weighed into the model, so its just a statistic that will fail.

Im not intending to downplay the significance of GPTs, but we need to baseline the hype around them before we can discuss where AI goes next, and what it can mean for people. Also far before we use it for any secure services, because we've already seen what can happen

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So police can act with the professionalism of criminal organizations, got it

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I was being pessimistic when I said he wouldn't be charged with squat if they run the Stormy Daniels case before, you know, ruling on the integrity of our highest office.

My father still remains hopeful "they'll get him like they got Al Capone" (on taxes), but I have a hard time seeing that through when he still has judges appointed by him, ruling on him. Oh and yeah we're not even going to approach his highest crimes because that would be disadvantageous to his campaign... give me a break ffs

The fallout of image generation will be even more incredible imo. Even if models do become even more capable, training off of post-'21 data will become increasingly polluted and difficult to distinguish as models improve their output, which inevitably leads to model collapse. At least until we have a standardized way of flagging generated images opposed to real ones, but I don't really like that future.

Just on a tangent, openai claiming video models will help "AGI" understand the world around it is laughable to me. 3blue1brown released a very informative video on how text transformers work, and in principal all "AI" is at the moment is very clever statistics and lots of matrix multiplication. How our minds process and retain information is by far more complicated, as we don't fully understand ourselves yet and we are a grand leap away from ever emulating a true mind.

All that to say is I can't wait for people to realize: oh hey that is just to try to replace talent in film production coming from silicon valley

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Its about time, maybe now my wife will come back and listen to me knowing that we can finally live with clean air and no more frogs turnin gay

Thats the Gucci logo?? What???

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Hah so I was right about those fools coopting an existing logo because thats all they are capable of, a very strong habit of theirs...

Actually if you would be so kind, what is the rundown of Usenet? I've searched a bit but been busy to really sit down on it, should I consider it being just a side thing (for now)?

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Im pretty sure the headline I just read has "Biden" and "Isreal" and "Genocide"

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Instead of complaining about the obvious disconnect between metrics and real world, often regional CoL, etc etc (oh and cost of medical care). Here's a simple solution:

Raise federal minimum wage, it's been a good decade and a bit since it went up from $5/h, the dollar has only inflated oh about 45% since 2009

Alternatively, use a closed ecosystem susceptible to data rot and loss.

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Would you want art to be unfindable because scraping for AI image generation happens? It's a solution looking for problems.

Yeah, I know, so I was expressing empathy to the oberton commenter.

Im just happy my cracked apk somehow still works. Lol

We do not have a rigorous model of the brain, yet we have designed LLMs. Experts of decades in ML recognize that there is no intelligence happening here, because yes, we don't understand intelligence, certainly not enough to build one.

If we want to take from definitions, here is Merriam Webster


: the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying >situations : reason

also : the skilled use of reason


: the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's >environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective >criteria (such as tests)

The context stack is the closest thing we have to being able to retain and apply old info to newer context, the rest is in the name. Generative Pre-Trained language models, their given output is baked by a statiscial model finding similar text, also coined Stocastic parrots by some ML researchers, I find it to be a more fitting name. There's also no doubt of their potential (and already practiced) utility, but a long shot of being able to be considered a person by law.

I would say its new torn status would make it a perfect fit for said museum

I would love an explaination on that last part.

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How unfortunate, anyway, here's your paid vacation.

Im not sure but both my old highschools completely banned having even a picture of a rainbow and numerous books, so I'd gladly swap with whatever reality this guy's from

It does help to know what those funny letters mean. Now we wait for regulators to catch up..


If anything, we're a very long way from anything close to intelligent, OpenAI (and subsequently MS, being publicly traded) sold investors on the pretense that LLMs are close to being "AGI" and now more and more data is necessary to achieving that.

If you know the internet, you know there's a lot of garbage. I for one can't wait for garbage-in garbage-out to start taking its toll.

Also I'm surprised how well open source models have shaped up, its certainly worth a look. I occasionally use a local model for "brainstorming" in the loosest terms, as I generally know what I'm expecting, but it's sometimes helpful to read tasks laid out. Also comfort in that nothing even need leave my network, and even in a pinch I got some answers when my network was offline.

It gives a little hope while corps get to blatantly violate copyright while having wielding it so heavily, that advancements have been so great in open source.

If you think the useless appliances are bad, just take a look at more critical connected devices.

I needed some POE security cameras, found some foscam ones on the cheap. Plug them up, go to IP, "install our app"... was pleased to find it allowed a local account without the need for an email, but found that half of my network traffic was comprised of requests to their "ivyIOT AI detection". I didnt measure what data was going through before sectioning them behind a firewall zone.

My fault for not having looked further into other brands, they were still a bargain and work without issue with my setup, but annoying

Ahem thats a Proxmox powered homework folder to you

Happens to the best of us

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I use arch btw

Goalposts.. she should wait until the genocide ends to criticize Biden over his response? The rhetoric is that he should end complacency in relations with Israel

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Now THAT is the AI innovation I'm here for

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Holy fuck I want more

Almighty rumpus in Swedish lesbian enclave

I wasnt sure what I was going to click on, but whoever made that thumbnail deserves a gift card

Watch out those software bugs may start crawling out of your keyboard

Building my own training set is something I would certainly want to do eventually. Ive been messing with Mistral Instruct using GPT4ALL and its genuinely impressive how quick my 2060 can hallucinate relatively accurate information, but its also evident of limitations. IE I tell it I do not want to use AWS or another cloud hosting service, it will just return a list of suggested services not including AWS. Most certainly a limit of its training data but still impressive.

Anyone suggesting to use LLMs to manage people or resources are better off flipping a coin on every thought, more than likely companies who are insistent on it will go belly up soon enough

There was no forced sterilization... but it was very incentivized, oh and inmates were forced to. Not the hottest take but nice aerobatics nonetheless

My fucking bank: 👀

Wake me when its time to short Boeing, maybe put some on Lockheed if they absorb their active defense divisions, lol

The gun lobby could pay for it! They've got 16 million a year to spare!

Too expensive! Says residents of the only developed nation where this is a regular occurance


Finally, using this we'll be able to train AI models so we can know what super-gonaherpes looks like

Made the switch, yet its still easier for me to remote onto a windows machine to still use autodesk than learn any free alternatives ( freeCAD :l ), and a WiFi driver took me 2 days to find. However my workplace for some unbenownst reason has 11 Pro (instead of enterprise) on some of our machines, which Ill notice popups for office360 and kinda cringe at, hoping the customer never does

Do have to push prusaSlicer, I used Cura for so long but just experimenting found more satisfaction for the slic3r solver, especially for bridges and overhangs

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Im not going to pull a picture because frankly its horrifying, but your iris (the colored part, namely the muscle that causes dilation) can fall apart with some condition. Which I was even more amazing can actually be reconstructed. Fucking wizards I'm telling you

Well who would you endorse? Nobody? With an incumbent Democrat and for party optics, would you want to go into the next election unorganized? Especially if you can actually influence policy before and after re-election. How is open pressure to change policy not good enough? If its not effective you don't stop pushing. We have already seen the alternative; you arent going to get that with a trump presidency, and he has been clear on his policy regarding Palestinian.

For us, as voters, undecided is by the best that we can do, and honestly voice to our Democratic representatives that this needs to change

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3 different messaging platforms... my bad I didnt check fucking teams when everyone else is on slack