In a world of conflict news stories are often overshadowed by breaking news. What’s a recent news story, good or bad, you feel went under the radar? to – 114 points –

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Sounds like they’re claiming race was a motive in his beating, but I don't know enough about this story to weigh in.

Seems like shooting at people from a moving vehicle was the motive. Story stays the same w race going unmentioned.

OP sounds like they may be pushing a narrative, but if it’s true that the white kid that died did not shoot the gel gun and was the only one in the car to be beaten then it is possible race was a factor in the crime. I’m still highly skeptical and I don’t have the time right now to delve into this to get a full understanding so I’ll just leave it at that.

Yeah, I don't know the story but it kind of strains credulity the way OP told it. A bunch of black kids that did this would have the book thrown at them in America, and probably become a racially-tinged campaign story for the AG's re-election campaign.

why don't you research it then.

it's all true.

or maybe consider that what you envision to be reality is not correct.