Biden's second try at student loan cancellation moves forward with debate over the plan's details to politics – 245 points –
Biden's second try at student loan cancellation moves forward with debate over the plan's details

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My wife and I just paid the last $6k on her student loan because we thought forgiveness would be hopeless. We just took it out of our savings. It feels good to be rid of that debt. I still hope it goes through for everyone else.

This is the way everyone should think.

I agree. I also just made my first payment in a large sum, but I still hope others get the relief they need.

The last $753.53 for my wife's master's degree yesterday. It's the last bit out of $27K we took out. We payed over 10K after March 2020 until they sent us a letter saying the loan qualified for forgiveness. We left the last little bit unpaid after that.

We paid it off just in time to cut a check for our oldest son's tuition. The only reason we could afford to cut that check was because of the master's degree. At least he won't have to be saddled with the student loan debt load.

Personally I think that higher education should be fully funded by business taxes: college, trades schools etc. They are the ones that profit the most from an educated workforce.

I also think that the unemployment programs should offer more education and retraining free of cost to get them back to productive work...all paid for by the company that laid them off.