Hamas official says group is open to discussions over truce with Israel

Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 247 points –
Hamas official says group is open to discussions over truce with Israel

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I do think that Israel should stop its colonization of the West Bank, cease the blockade, and work towards a two state solution. But my sympathy is with the Palestinian people. I have absolutely no sympathy for hamas after what they have done and they deserve what will happen next.

But my sympathy is with the Palestinian people. I have absolutely no sympathy for hamas after what they have done and they deserve what will happen next.

The Israeli government no longer seems to care about the difference between the two.

There was a time when there was no wall, no blockade, and work towards two state solution. Do remember that Israelis lived inside of Gaza until 2005. Why do you think they raised the wall in west bank and left Gaza in 2005? They left them to self-govern and they elected Hamas and now you think removing walls is going to help solve the issue? What a naive way of thinking.

This is not "you are taking our land" issue, this is "every jew must die" issue to them.

I have sympathy for the Palestinian and Israeli civilians that are being murdered by both sides. Since 2008, Israel has killed significantly more Palestinians than vice versa https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties, 6,000 Palestinian deaths to 300 Israeli deaths.

It's the "deserve" part of your comment that I'm having trouble with reconciling when the amount of deaths and violent oppression has been so unbalanced against Palestinians. Yeah, Hamas needs to face consequences, but that's not really what's happening or what's going to be happening. It's going to be civilians that will suffer the most and Hamas will be fine when it's all done.

It's not hard to see, as horrible as Hamas is, how they can get recruits and support for their regime and how this escalated to this point. I don't support what happened in any way, but I can see how things lead up to this.

And I've seen people say that Hamas fucked it up for Palestinians because now they lost the sympathy. Which is hard to not see as flawed when the sympathy hasn't helped Palestinians for over half a century of violent oppression.