The less Americans know about Ukraine’s location, the more they want U.S. to intervene

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ to United States | News & – 4 points –

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Such as? You just through insults without explaining what you mean. You do realise the Soviet Union collapsed for economic reasons?

Such as cost of living going up, and people not being able to afford basic necessities. Energy and food prices are going up a we speak. UK has runaway inflation, and will absolutely hit recession by next year. People will start defaulting on their debts and that will feed into the financial system where banks end up holding bad debt. And it's not just me saying these things, here's what FP has to say

If you hate the west and genuinely think China is a democratic communist country, why don’t you move there?

I can only assume that you've never actually moved to a different country and don't understand how difficult it is. I would absolutely love to move to China, but it's just not that easy to uproot your life and move half way across the world.

Or are you just incapable of taking any action to remedy the problems in your life that’s resulted in your frankly absurd views on western culture

I am taking action such as learning Mandarin, it's a hard language and I'm still not fluent in it after over a year of studying. So, yeah eventually I will leave the shithole country I live in currently, but it's a difficult process that takes time. The fact that you don't understand that once again underscores your lack of capacity for critical thought.

The cost of living is going up due to the energy shock from Russia's invasion, coupled with QE effects caused by central banks. These are temporary things. Rates go up to slow the economy, spending has to slow to create a disinflationary environment.

So, let me get this straight, you're learning a language of a country you've never been to in the blind hope that it is a communist country even though it's pretty obvious Xi Jinping is quite keen on returning China to what's it's always been, a monarchial dynasty.

That is fucking hilarious.

The cost of living is going up due to the energy shock from Russia’s invasion, coupled with QE effects caused by central banks. These are temporary things. Rates go up to slow the economy, spending has to slow to create a disinflationary environment.

The cost of living was going up before the war started, and it's not Russian invasion that caused the shock. It was the conscious decision by EU and UK to cut themselves off from buying Russian energy directly. So, now you're forced to buy it at a markup from resellers. These are not temporary things because the dynamics that created these problems haven't changed. But you keep on living in your fantasy lala land while you can.

So, let me get this straight, you’re learning a language of a country you’ve never been to in the blind hope that it is a communist country even though it’s pretty obvious Xi Jinping is quite keen on returning China to what’s it’s always been, a monarchial dynasty.

I can see why somebody with the level of intelligence you've consistently demonstrated in our discussions would think that. In reality, I have lots of friends from China whom I've met in university, I also have friends who moved to China and are living there happily. It's also the height of hilarity that you tink Xi is turning China into a monarchical dynasty. You really manage to provide me with new heights of comedy with every comment. The only thing that's fucking hilarious here is you buddy.