Because PTSD isn’t a thing ? to Mildly – 41 points –

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Who had their freedom threatened?

Iraqis. Look up Saddam. Then look up AQ. There's a reason the local militias ended up working with us instead of against us.

Look up how many Iraqis were fucking killed by America and tell me how those hundreds of thousands of corpses are so fucking free now.

Wow, reading more about this... Turns out AQ wasn't in Iraq until the US got there! Guess those must have been some clairvoyant Iraqis who felt threatened from the future?

I never said they were there before. Saddam was there though. That honestly should have been reason enough. Getting Saddam out and then abandoning them to AQ and/or Iran would have just been idiotic. If you want to rant about america bad then go talk shit about Bush lying to start the war.

I dunno man, kinda think "idiotic" sums it up pretty well