Before you post that comment to social media…. to Betterment and – 39 points –

… ask yourself these three questions:

Is it kind?

Is it true?

Is it necessary?

Granted we’ve all heard this before, but sometimes we need reminding.


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I read it as being at least one of the three. If it's not kind, is it a relevant fact? If it's only your opinion, does that contribute to the discussion?

I think the questions are a tool to make us aware of our behavior. People have issues and can get triggered without noticing and engage in a conversation to their own detriment. Be kind is generic. Do you really want to attack and cause harm to someone else (someone might, BTW)? Are you using facts as a weapon? Is it in your best interest to say something, or in the interest of something positive?

Also, if the reason is to distract yourself, that's a reason. It's not a good reason all the time though.

I read it as being at least one of the three.

That’s how I read the ol’ saying, too. Unless at least one of those things applies, maybe reconsider the post.