Experts warn of risk of civil unrest in UK due to food shortages | ScienceDaily to World – 95 points –
Experts warn of risk of civil unrest in UK due to food shortages

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“Currently just under 50% of the UK's food is imported including 80% of fruit, 50% of vegetables, and 20% of beef and poultry, while the UK is almost completely self-sufficient for wheat, barley, lamb, and potatoes.”

Bread and Lancashire Hotpot yeah alright

Do we really need Mangoes

Halving the food supply seems like it might be a problem regardless of what actual foods are available?

Have you see how fat we are tho

That's about quality, not quantity of food. Not sure we want to increase the proportion of carbs in the available foods.

I do not live in the UK, but I am sure that the UK needs vegetables.

I live in the UK, and we have enough vegetables in charge at the moment.

I did not want to imply that the UK doesn't have or is in any way incapable of aquiring vegetables, but I still think vegetables are more of concern than fruits like mangoes to the UK and people in general, because vegetables are important ( My head: Eat your vegetables, child... ).