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“Currently just under 50% of the UK's food is imported including 80% of fruit, 50% of vegetables, and 20% of beef and poultry, while the UK is almost completely self-sufficient for wheat, barley, lamb, and potatoes.”

Bread and Lancashire Hotpot yeah alright

Do we really need Mangoes

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“Despite Indigenous people making up only 4.6 percent of Queensland’s population, Indigenous children make up nearly 63 percent of those in detention.”


What makes it ok for your grandparents, great-grandparents et cetera, but not for these poor souls in the exact same situation? The same could be said for most places if you back far enough. People constantly trying to shut the door behind them, and it’s made worse by pure lies about work. 99.99•% of immigrants work hard af and pay taxes, unlike the top 0.1%

Probably saved them from that lunatic who was going around lighting fires

And not in the user’s last X passwords! And doesn’t contain their name, address etc! And changes every X days!

Literally writing code to do this rn, even tho I pushed back with modern theories… IT security “experts” set policy using just enough knowledge to be dangerous

One of the banned words hardcoded previously was “monkey”, needless to say I am proud to carry on this tradition

There is no helping children’s hygiene except through education, rules won’t do shit

Literally happened in the BBC several times

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It was quite interesting until they outed themselves in the last section

Bedbugs hate this one weird tick

I really thought they were going to distance themselves from the unfortunate use of a hand to represent the name frostbite.

But no, just went and drew the fingers falling off.

Great work, guys.

United States Public Law 103-150 of 1993 (known as the Apology Resolution), acknowledged that "the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States" and also "that the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi or through a plebiscite or referendum." Hawaiian Kingdom

From a comment in reference to this piece:

“In February 2014, the state of Israel held a memorial ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of Begin’s death. The prime minister, then, as now, was Netanyahu.

“The newspaper Israel Hayom reported Netanyahu as saying: ‘[Begin] is a great role model for me, with his respect for democracy, courts of law and the media…… Israel and the Likud are inspired by the spirit of Menachim Begin.’”

There was a paper that attempted to provide some genetic evidence for this, but it, and the author, were attacked, the paper unprecedentedly deleted, and the author shortly thereafter apparently smeared with false embezzlement charges. Make of that what you will.

He is a bit of a nut job when it comes to the Basque language, though, hilariously.

Not one example

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Definitely OLED

Fools like this want everyone to be invisible, anonymous, and unimportant, being non-white is already a splinter in their eye unless you prove you’re extraordinary

Cooking up wholesome copypasta

Such a great little game. Good handling, excellent cheats, rewarding exploration, pretty difficult. Did everything you might expect of it really well. Shame no sequels really.

Second half of this video with the voice effect is unlistenable for me tho

80 years mate

I think more likely is he’ll end up giving them 40% of the profits for nothing in return… and so have to lay people off despite turning a profit…

I was like “Ooh rights”… oh. Goddammit, Kenya!

“Kotaku’s report claimed that the studio made a deal with the local government that requires Ubisoft Singapore to launch an original game within the next few years. In short: the studio may be legally required to deliver Skull and Bones. When IGN asked if this is true, Ubisoft declined to comment.”

So they have to launch the game, the $70 is to cover the dev costs (even during the reboots, they were not allowed to pare down or reassign any of the ~500 staff), I predict we then see it all crumble and Ubisoft walk away having fulfilled their misguided obligations. I don’t know if we know the specifics of what they got from the government of Singapore, but it’s money. What a shambles.

Have you see how fat we are tho

Just eat half the Vegans