How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"? to No Stupid – 194 points –

Well, everybody born in the american continent is technically "american" too, including Central and South America. Is there a specific term in english for these people?

Edit: Thanks for all your answers, especially the wholesome ones and those patient enough to explain it thoroughly. Since we (South Americans) and you (North Americans) use different models/conventions of continent boundaries, it makes sense for you to go by "Americans", while it doesn't for us.


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It also really bothers me that they get to coin the whole American term when it's a terrible representation of America as a continent, the USA doesn't really even have a proper name, it's a description, kinda like calling a dog Dog. Mexico's full name is actually Mexican United States of America.
I personally call them united-statesian when the word gringo doesn't fit the context, which is the translation of estadounidense from Spanish. But it's so stupid because whatever you call them applies to so many more people than just them because they don't have a name! And their states are not really that united.

Especially since one of the states- Hawaii- is not in the Americas

omg, you just blew my mind 😮

We need to change our name to Some United States of America and the Pacific and also Caribbean and Oceania Territories (SUSAPCOT), which could be turned into Susapcotians.

Hi! I'm a Susapcotian 😁 <- big stereotypical Susapcotian smile

In our defense they weren’t a state until our country was nearly 200 years old