Bipartisan Bill Plans To Force Data Brokers To Delete Your Private Info When Requested to World – 119 points –
Bipartisan Bill Plans To Force Data Brokers To Delete Your Private Info When Requested

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Republicans will vote this down claiming it uses the wrong bathroom

To be honest this doesn't involve any "culture war" dumbassery so unless Fox starts spewing about how the bill is woke and will turn your kids gay I don't think anyone outside of the usual suspects would vote against it.

Then again the GOP will make the most innocuous thing into a political shitshow, so who knows.

They write their own useful, not-crappy bills and then vote against them all the time.

They don't need any culture war talking points, they just want everything broken and everyone miserable.

Unironically right to be forgotten stuff is a major benefit to a person who's gone through social transition because it does things like let them get rid of their dead name on the internet.

The uh, bipartisan part, kinda hints that both republicans and democrats are pushing it.

Let's make this topic about being able to have better control over your data, rather then pitching sides against each other.