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not really lol far lefties just want to use the bathroom without getting harassed or murdered

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Nazi icons/clothing/symbols are outright banned. It's not unspecific.

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Oh no.

Anyway, there are thousands of refugees getting drowned every day and they don't pay $250K to kill themselves and their kids in a sub made by a guy who thinks safety is stupid.

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If they stopped killing their kids down there for five minutes they can figure out how awful this is and get their grid reconnected.

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Honestly tho, this is why unions have dues and memberships, rainy day funds and their own officers and treasury.

Unions are more than just '"walking out".

The heatmaps look absolutely bonkers over there. Like "we're going to need another color here" bonkers.

well my God hates you, Mike. πŸ–•

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wondering what sort of kompromat the Kremlin has on these GOP members πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

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Many people are wondering what exactly Margie Greene has on her laptop since she's so ffffn obsessed with them and showing harassing nudes of private citizens in Congress. I wonder if it's something prosecutable???

Just asking.

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These people are the fffn stupidest people alive. How have they been mislead?? They literally vote for a party that...used hate-based politics against LGBT+ people for decades already???



doesn't mention bewbs


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They absolutely know this is 1) a waste of federal money, 2) legislatively/bureaucratically harassing a private citizen, 3) trying to upset POTUS.

They know.

They KNOW what not-governing is, and how to do it VERY effectively.

Israel literally named a settlement in the Golan Heights after fffking Trump.\_Heights

After Bibi had wine and cheese with him. Fukem both.

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Ohhh they're doing the "AMERICA FIRST" thing there too (Unser Land Zuerst!).

Nazi nationalists use the same talking points around the frickin world lol

The economy is fantastic for like the 10% of the country who owns 75% of the country's junk

War spending is 100% why we don’t have universal health care in this country,

Rurals that worship misogynist inheritor orange blobs that like Putin and Kim Jong Un are why we don't have universal healthcare.

I want my universal healthcare, AND, in this particular case, I want overseas Nazis blown to smithereens with nice expen$ive Patriot missles.

No, this is too close to Meta's shenanigans.

I prefer something like Pubbers (for Activiy Pub) 😎

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Dark Brandon isn't taking Margie Greene's dumb shit anymore! πŸ‘Ή

The I Can Haz Cheeseburger? kickoff meme of the happy Russian Blue cat.

I wasted sooooo much time on ICHC and it was due to that memeified cat picture that started it all.

Trump literally doesn't understand doing something charitable for someone else.

He literally let his own fanbois and fangirls risk hypothermia after rallies in the winter because of stiffing the bus companies that got them there. TWICE.

you can already rent tuxes and wedding dresses, for years now tho??

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слава Π£ΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ—Π½Ρ–


This won't work in the US because we NEED some sort of national health care system first.

We'll be shoveling money into medical debt even with UBI.

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Republicans will vote this down claiming it uses the wrong bathroom

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This is not a protest, this is shameless looting and destruction.

You guys have the same talking points wherever you are.

  1. If you fk around trying to wind back social benefits to please like 5% of top incone receivers you FIND OUT when they break stuff.

  2. the vast MAJORITY of breaking stuff has been proven in the US to be right-winger provocateurs.

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Germany actively boots out and leashes nazis, while Israel elects them to office, parties with them, names districts after them, and permits them visits to the Kotel.


Wild times.

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And then nature begins healing. 🌹

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More profitable AND safer. Humans are too stupid, lazy and bureaucratic to use nuclear.

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When you have guaranteed pay you can strike for just about any reason.

Yay! Let's do it then. Employers can stop paying for any reason.

( o Y o )

not used to this sort of thing actually formatting correctly lol

ISPs already got money for this.

They can all go provide more dumpster fire kindling with Elno, spez and Zuck.

I support trebucheing this guy into the sun.

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and especially Starlink

Absolute ghouls.

I have zero compassion for people who claim any safety measures taken are ridiculous, pay extraoridinary amounts of money to do something stupid, and potentially cause the death of a young kid.

And then waste extraordinary resources in public funding to "fix" it.

Hope these families get charged for every dollar.

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ISPs just got a TON of money dumped on them in a recent bill, they CAN fix this shit

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!remindme 1 yr

oh wait

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kinda bummed there's no asexual refrigerator or aromantic pergola

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Seriously guys, it sounds like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Ted Cruz or Ben Shapiro writes this stuff LOL

Then it'll be used for targetted application, which is even worse.