What are your top 5 movies of all time?

Euraru@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 108 points –

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I'll throw my hat in the ring and give my list in no particular order:

Seven Samurai


Close Encounters of the Third Kind

War of the Worlds (2005)

The Godfather

Those are some great choices. I haven't seen Close Encounters yet though. And I loved War of the Worlds.

Close Encounters is amazing and iirc some of the plot points were taken from reality.

Seven Samurai is an amazing movie. It set the groundwork for so much more to follow.

I want to know more about why you would put War of the Worlds in your top 5. I am not hating on you. Purely perplexed because I've never seen anyone mention this movie since it came out. I rewatched it last year, but I don't remember much to write home about.

I was 8 years old when I first saw the film and it scared me so much it left in me a permanent fear of aliens and once I got older I grew to love the film and aliens in general.

Tbh the battle on the hill is enough to make it a great film for me because it involves the ultimate dilemma: which child do you save?

It's a choice no parent should ever have to make and the entire scene in general shows how hopeless it was against the Tripods.