Spotify re-invented the radio to – 1661 points –

Can't even seek through songs.


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"Product X sucks because I use Product Y. If you like something else just steal it." Bout sums it up.

That's not how the "because" was in my original post. Spotify sucks because it's renting, they don't pay artists very much, they (as far as I recall) platform some awful people. Probably other reasons I can't think of right now, too. Other alternatives such as Bandcamp avoid or mitigate those problems

The point about piracy and public domain is somewhat related but you didn't really engage with that.

Sadly, Bandcamp has new owners that fired half the staff. Everybody's worried about them getting enshittified.

it's got to be old as fuck to be in the public domain so your argument there is largely invalid. Cry more that the people that make more in a year than you ever will are not making enough on the music you listen to.

Things should enter the public domain much quicker than they do now, rather than waiting for them to be "old as fuck". 14 years is long enough for copyright.

I don't really think small musicians are making more money than I do, and I'm not sure why you even brought that up.