0 Post – 451 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I was often accused of being a bot on Reddit. Not sure really why. Though to be fair, the majority of my interactions on Reddit were arguing with people that thought they knew more than I did about a field I've worked in for 20+ years.

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Stop fucking using these extortion apps. Drive your lazy ass to the shit food station yourself.

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I think EA makes games like this to reinforce THEIR notion that single player games are dead so they can use that as leverage to make more "games as a service". If they made things people actually wanted to play, they'd find that single player (yes even shooter) games are still just as popular as they ever were and poorly thought out, poorly executed, and poorly marketed games still suck.

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No single LED lightbulb I've ever purchased lasts as long as they claim. infact, many have been outlasted by existing incandescent bulbs in my house. your joke fodder is safe.

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Man, all these companies just pushing me away from using their services. I don't need it.

Make Congress abide by the healthcare they make us abide by and this will be fixed overnight.

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The stock market is not a 1:1 representation of the spending power of your dollar. The stock market is how well your overlords are doing, not you, the average american.

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It's always been bad.

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This is nothing new. Why do you think damn near any place will sell you a gift card? Because even IF someone uses it, there's almost always some left on the card, OR people spend over the amount, spending more than they would have originally. They are literally a 'can't lose' for businesses.

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This is fine, no issues really, but if you're offended by something in a video game fictional story that was made over 20 years ago you should go touch grass.

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“There is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Officer Dave was consciously disregarding safety,”

so as long as i hit someone who has ear buds in while doing 75mph in a 25mph zone, i'm in the clear. way to victim blame. what a fucking joke.

Everyone in these videos are the fucking worst. ALWAYS talking over each other, avoiding questions, deflecting answers. Just the fucking worst. What they should do is have the microphones only on for a specific allotted time, and when one is on, not a single other one can be on at the same time.

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i like how it's some fucking revolation. Like, just look around. poke around on the internet for 10 min. Large, HUGE amounts of people have not been ok for a long time. What's sad is everyone has their fucking heads too buried in their phones and ipads to notice.

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This isn't new. I'm 43 so call me whatever you want, Gen X, Millenial, somewhere in between. I didn't live on my own (meaning without roommates) until about 10 years ago. And even then, I bought a house with my wife. so still kinda roommates.

Buy expensive shoes. Well, let me rephrase that. Buy GOOD shoes. A good pair of QUALITY shoes will save you money in the long term as they will last a lot longer than buying many pairs of cheap shoes.

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fuck this. spend a fortune on a phone, then, not only do you have to pay the carrier, you have to pay to use the functions of the phone. what a joke.

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this is fucking criminal

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Do you want to kill your business? Cause this is how you kill your business.

This guy is the reason all of our rates go up.

The moral of the story is don't buy HP anything. Already trying to replace our large format latex printer from HP over this. Fuck that guy.

Sig Sauer that are capable of accidental discharge, even with the safety on. To my knowledge it’s still manufactured and hasn’t been recalled.

If you're talking about the P320, Sig changed their manufacturing and offered to repair/replace any firearms that were made with the faulty trigger, as identified by serial number. I personally helped a ton of customers send their guns back to Sig to get this fixed. This happened over well over 5 years ago. While it wasn't a federally mandated recall, it was a voluntary fix by Sig, similar to how a ton of vehicle recalls work.

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Where are these warm and cuddly people? If you express viewpoints that are not central dogma to the left of center folk, you're just as ostracized here as you would be on Reddit.

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Almost half, so like what? 250 people?

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so what am i missing? how are these points awarded? just by purchasing them? like the awards? this sounds like some dumb mother fucking shit.

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I lean right on most things, but do support both of these measures. I also support removing lawmakers that do not adhere to the will of the people they were elected to represent. Politicians need to be reminded they work for US, and need to be reminded they should fear the voting public.

So what's the difference between a person reading their books and using the information within to write something and an ai doing it?

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I appreciate OP putting the whole article here. I clicked the link, raged at the paywall and came here to bitch, only to find the article in it's entirety. Thank you.

100 days of genocide. He sleeps.

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they came from your mouth. you're the one that didn't post your source. you expect everyone to just take your word for it? yeah no. not trusting some rando online that supports what israel is doing. killing women and children indiscriminately is indefensible and if you try you're just as bit of a piece of shit as the zionists that are attempting to wipe a group of people from the face of the earth.

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WELL NO DUH. Is this really something people didn't know? The media as a whole is incredibly slanted towards Israel. The fact that none are calling out the genocide that's happening is a big fucking clue.

i was looking for a new toothbrush yesterday... they have app enabled toothbrushes. bluetooth. why the fuck do i need an app to brush my fucking teeth?

How does one "spoof" chrome?

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Honestly why can't we just say what it is instead of giving every-fucking-thing an anagram that people have to ask what it is in the first place.

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you CAN own a Grenade Launcher. you just have to jump through ATF hoops and pay hella tax.

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It's almost like it's flu season...

it's not republicans that are suing over this...

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I lean right, far right if you ask a leftist, but universal healthcare is something this country needs. it's fucking outrageous. health insurance is a scam and a license to steal.

why would you expect anything different? "trickle down" economics was always a scam.

Hamas =/= Palestinian

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