Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes to – 263 points –
Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes | VGC

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This is fine, no issues really, but if you're offended by something in a video game fictional story that was made over 20 years ago you should go touch grass.

They did the same thing with the Destroy All Humans! remakes. Which was probably needed, because the Japanese level in 2 is really iffy

eh. i get the 'need' for these companies to have the disclaimers and i honestly appreciate that they are not changing anything here. but the mob is fickle and seemingly can't distinguish real life from the online life where being offended somehow gives them clout.

Yeah the Japan level made my jaw drop... the early 2000's really were the last time you could be this blatantly racist against the Asian Community in popular media.... But I'd rather go "Oooof" than pretend the game and by extension society was never like this.

Even if I agree some games have gone too far on censorship, I don't like having this totalitarian attitude to any kind of "offense".

There are certain weird themes I really like in niche games, but I acknowledge if they were "thrown in" to a game about shooting or adventure, would sour the experience for a lot of common players. I'd point to perverted character designs as a common one - sexualized character designs are obviously appealing to some players, but to others they can actually make it hard to get absorbed in the story of a game like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or Nier Automata. Even for a series like Persona, there have been players that decided "What weeb shit" and abandon the game because of the way female characters get harassed at times.

It's easy to call it "political", but politics comes from personal opinions - and it can genuinely affect how people view the media. These days I have a much more vehement reaction to stereotyped Native-American depictions ("Indians") over when I was a kid. I doubt it'd make me hate Tomb Raider, but I can see why they'd have a warning.

Do you see any merit to the pushback against such media?

You sound like you favor rationalism, and I agree with dismissing people who are crazy, but setting crazy people aside, do you see potential harm in promoting negative racial and ethnic stereotypes?

Stereotypes exist for a reason. They aren't made up, non-existent characteristics. 90% of people that are getting offended by such things are not even part of the group that's being stereotyped. It's usually white liberals that are "offended" by any of this. Are they beneficial? probably not, but they sure are not nearly as harmful as people like you make them out to be. As a straight white man, I'm vilified by the mob regardless of my positions on anything, and that in itself is a stereotype. So I don't put any stock into hypocritical perceived slights against humanity.

Got it, so you have a major victim complex and don't really have a rational argument for the rest. Thank you for at least being clear

Thank you for proving my point.

Went silent real fast eh?

sorry my life doesn't revolve around your internet drama. got real shit to deal with. like work. and life. idgaf what you think about me of what point you think you're making. have fun with what little "power" you think you have here. i couldn't care less about this.

Who the hell doesn't?

You're the one out online here spewing your opinion that what other people care about isn't important.

Once again you reveal yourself a hypocrite

how is it hypocritical? idgaf what you think, just like you likely don't gaf what I think. you're just out to call people names behind the safety of a keyboard and screen.

Stereotypes exist for a reason. They aren't made up, non-existent characteristics.

As a straight white man, I'm vilified by the mob regardless of my positions on anything, and that in itself is a stereotype.

You rationalized deserving vilification, and whinged about what a victim you are. You can't think this conversation is in your favor.

As a straight white man, I'm vilified by the mob regardless of my positions on anything, and that in itself is a stereotype

Lmao you dingus