The absolute state of NuReddit to – 736 points –

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I was often accused of being a bot on Reddit. Not sure really why. Though to be fair, the majority of my interactions on Reddit were arguing with people that thought they knew more than I did about a field I've worked in for 20+ years.

I would get accused on being a bot when talking about specific topics. For example Ukraine war or some Chinese topic. I wonder if it's bots calling other people bots. Muddy the waters.

Astroturfing is rampant and is only going to get worse from here on out. Don't trust anything you read

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are you neurodivergent or is english a foreign language? for some reason those folks tend to get labeled as bots.

Does it SEEM like I'm neurodivergent (wtf is that anyway, why does everything need a fancy label?), or that English is a second language?

Neurodivergent means anyone with a medical condition that could be seen as brain pathways either being disrupted, or gone, or rerouted. A few examples would be AD(H)D, Autism Spectrum Disorder (Including things such as Asperger's), and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Edit: Changed Autism to ASD, and switched out Schizophrenia to OCD as it's more apt for the term as a whole.

Guess i just don't get why everything needs a fancy new label every few years.

Having proper diagnoses for people help them get care and treatment. It's better than calling them all "stupid" and ignoring their struggles, which has been the case for decades.

Most of these "fancy new labels" you're hearing lately are just recognizing people, so they can be included in society and treated with dignity.

According to the prior explanation, they already had labels. ADHD, Autism, etc. But now it's all lumped into "Neurodiverse" or whatever. Sounds like someone trying to impersonalize others. "oh just lump them all together".

A good amount of the conditions lumped together as “neurodiverse” are either comorbid or share some traits. It’s reasonable people with these separate conditions may still want to connect with each other because of the commonalities between them. Nobody’s forgoing the words “ADHD”, “autism”, or “OCD” for the more generic “neurodiverse”, they only use “neurodiverse” in place of “people who have ADHD, autism, OCD, or [insert other conditions here]”.

In this case, it's mainly a catch-all for folks to easily find help and or others with their conditions.

Yeah, so much easier than being precise in your ailment.

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I was accused too. Till they saw my 11+ years of old comments, then they thought I was a sold account.

I don't know if it's scary or stupid.

wait basically, they are trying to justify anything to attack you with when they are losing. no way you should stop, just keep slaying them in the arguments.

not sure why

Because cornered redditors love ad-hominem attacks and "bot" and "shill" are particularly popular because they can be applied in just about any context.

I'm pretty sure bot has been doubling as an insult for a long time now, like NPC

I worked in the video game industry for over a decade and let me tell you there is nothing more infuriating than arguing with a clueless gamer who thinks everything can be solved in a few minutes with overly naive solutions. Bonus points for trying to "educate" me on my own specialization like "net code". Why do I even bother.

Gamers are the worst. I love video games, but i stay as far away from the fandoms as I'm able.

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