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Joined 1 years ago

This is a nothing story. That's not brutal, it's not even mockery. It's a throwaway joke at a circlejerk dinner for politicos.

Article spends a paragraph recounting this BRUTAL TAKEDOWN, then 10 paragraphs recapping Boebert's recent history.

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68 billion to acquire IP, but can't afford to pay the people who make and maintain it.

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These dummies never understand that their country doesn't want them. Society grows and leaves some people behind. Adapt and grow or turn in to an old man yelling at clouds.

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At the officer's discretion...

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The union chiefs announced it on Twitter and thanked Biden by name for having a team continue to negotiate. Whether people were paying attention or the media covered is a different matter.

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I have questions about how necessary it was to fire at the woman in the first place.

•if she's in an empty lobby with her and her son, and two security officers, could they not have tried to negotiate and get the kid away first?

•Did security actually see "materials consistant with manufacturing explosives" inside her trenchcoat before firing, or is that something they alleged after they shot a 7yo in the head. There were no explosives found on her body or at home.

I know it's hard to judge these situations, but I feel like there could have been a resolution where the kid doesn't sacrificed by everyone involved.

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They've been bemoaning the fact we have Democracy lately. They're playing up the Republic angle, and believe the People can't make the correct decisions for themselves.

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What Fox News does to a motherfucker...

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Which is weird, because they seem to really enjoy looking at pictures of his dick in public settings.

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What's crazy is, no, they don't want war. They want to get reelected indefinitely for status and profit, and will say anything to get that. The shit they say incites their followers to want war, and that is advantageous for them.

The politicians know their bluffs will be called, but if they keep people mad and scared, they can keep farming donations and votes from rubes. They've done it for decades. This rhetoric gets stale eventually, so they have to keep amplifying the message, to the point they're now posturing for a civil war they know won't ever come.

Meanwhile, their voters are bashing people on the head with hammers or killing family members because they've been told to be scared for decades, and are now being told to fight back.

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Hasbro sent the literal Pinkertons after a Youtuber over Magic cards recently.

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His lawyers forgot to ask for one. There were a dozen articles floating around this morning about it.

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If Trump wins, we won't have fair elections in 2028. Do they need to see a second insurrection to get off the fence?

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You guys don't drunk-order a bunch of useless shit then expect to return it for no cost once buyer's remorse sinks in?

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We have corporate protections in the USA.

In my head i call it the "Rule of least want to do". If i have 2-3 tasks that need doing (ususlly work related), i think of which thing i least want to do. That's the thing i get done, then move down the line.

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I could see cryptobros and the "investing" subs spending a lot on this. They were already buying tons of awards to hype themselves up.

Any unironic circlejerk cult will by buying these and pinning them on each other's chest, same as the dumbass awards.

I think reddit knows their target audience pretty well; Rubes. That's why they let all the toxic "stock", crypto-scam and political extremist subs stay open until the media starts writing stories about them. Gullible idiots spend a lot of money trying to make their opinions look smart and popular.

This will make Reddit a lot of money in the short-term, but probably push more legitimate/casual users away as these "premium upvotes" will surely effect the algorithm and push more nonsense into people's feeds.

Now that i think about it, this will probably help advertisers and political groups astroturf all of reddit.

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You've just articulated a feeling I've had most of my life, but couldn't have described better.

Solving trivial problems for people they could easily do themselves if they just muddled through the work of it. Then act like I'm a genius, when it's really just 'stubbornness' and refusing to admit i can't figure it out.

Thanks for that.

You don't see a problem with needing to build a 3rd bathroom in every place that only has 2 bathrooms, and would single out those who use it as an "other" to anyone seeing them use it?

Local authorities will let this pass the same as they let these fuckwits run a Biden campaign bus off the road in 2020. It's Texas, local authorities love this shit

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He fuck your wife or something?

It was intentional. They didn't 100% like either site so they made a community on both. They are seeing which they prefer after some use and development.

Everyone here is acting like they're idiots who don't understand the internet. They were high level mods.

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If I remember the articles being written at the time, his tariffs hurt American farmers by causing China to buy from other countries. He then used stipends to make up the difference to them so they weren't out the money. The result is, he damaged our trade position, used taxes to cover it up, and American Farmers still love him and don't understand they were receiving the dreaded "Guvment Handouts".

Throw that on the pile of impeachable offenses then, I guess?

A stepparent can call their spouse's children their own. That's not a lie or a gotcha moment.

What is the purpose of you pointing it out? Do you have an agenda or are you simply a pedant?

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Ask the Iraqi civilians.

That would have to be negotiated in the Police Union contracts. Same reason they can't fire pedo teachers immediately, they are contractually obligated to keep paying them until they are investigated or found guilty.

Most of these cops "retire" to end the internal investigation and keep their benefits, then decide to "unretire", and get hired in the next town with a clean record.

The police have one of the strongest unions in America, and almost no one bats an eye. But let Starbucks employees try to unionize and you'll hear how greedy and corrupt unions are.

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*Imagines Trump getting Gaddafi'd

Ahh, a girl can dream.

Literally saying "the only solution to kids getting shot in school, is putting more guns in the school... and also fuck trans kids and books".

He literally did that in 2020, and what the other responder said, happened. He scheduled his own town hall on another network, and Biden spoke for an hour at the agreed upon debate.

Fuck that. Maybe old WSB, not the GME cultists. They can fuck all the way off.

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It's not a private sector over there, the government owns part of Tencent (or something similar, don't quote me).

I was surprised to hear of their ban in the first place, given how big MTX are in China.

They should ask the log-cabin Republicans how included they feel.

List your top 5 worst presidents.

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Bout to sew my kid's shoes back together right now. I guess those dudes in suits are doing pretty good though.

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Not for someone to be a stalker. You're saying the only thing keeping some people from being a stalker is how easy the info is to find, or parse, even.

They only have the shooter now. We'll see if the pos Republican that hired him gets a slap on the wrist or jail. Hell, in AZ they might not even ban him from politics.

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Cascading "active shooter incidents" rolling across America, one beginning where the last one ended. A living monument to our love of freedom and firearms.

That's enough internet for me today..

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The fact nobody knew about the law, it's not mentioned during registration, there is no place for other names on the form, and it's only been used to exclude trans candidates.

Do you understand the words you're using? It's all in the article's outline.

Trying to bump those subscription numbers with teenage girls.

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There was a short segment on 60 Minutes (maybe?) back in 2020 before the elections where they interviewed someone who had deprogrammed himself from Qanon.

It was the same story. He had no friends IRL, no social support, he had turned his mom onto Qanon and she was still down the rabbit hole.

He said that was the part that kept him in it for so long, even once he started questioning things. All his "friends" and close relations were part of the cult and he would have to cut ties with everyone or worse, they would turn on him and attack him as a traitor.

It would be sad if these online-cults weren't so damaging to society.