Lauren Boebert brutally mocked by Republican at congressional dinner to – 101 points –
Lauren Boebert brutally mocked by Republican at congressional dinner

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This is a nothing story. That's not brutal, it's not even mockery. It's a throwaway joke at a circlejerk dinner for politicos.

Article spends a paragraph recounting this BRUTAL TAKEDOWN, then 10 paragraphs recapping Boebert's recent history.

This is why I only read articles where the title mentions someone getting slammed

I find that unless someone was verbally DESTROYED there's really nothing there. /s

Trump's decision to run for president was in part inspired by a throwaway joke Obama made about him being a "birther"... Which when I think about it, is another huge red flag that American voters over looked.

New to clickbait? There's 5 things you should know about it. Number 4 will SHOCK you!

"Lauren Boebert was SAVAGELY EVISCERATED in a Cage Match to the Death!"

Lauren Bobert ran home that evening to brutally murder 24 kittens before going to sleep. That better for ya?