How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410 to – 35 points –

Hello. I just want to ask, I already tried search many resources, but I still can't find a way to reduce battery drain while sleep on Ubuntu on Dell laptop.

I seen that it use S0ix, the new standard that many manufacturer use but when sleep it drains a lot battery, in just 6 hours the battery gone 0.

Any help is appreciated. This is company laptop and it requires me use ubuntu (I don't like it but I don't have options to changes OS/distro).



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@yum13241 but don’t programs that run on Linux Arm also have to be recompiled?

Don’t misunderstand me, I think there may be cause for Apple to be forced to open their ecosystem more, but operating systems are always unique unto themselves.

No one is forced to use ARM to have a good Linux system. You are forced to use ARM to have a good Mac.

@yum13241 no one forces you to buy a Mac. You get that most people who buy a Mac are likely to be okay with being in the ecosystem just like most people who use Linux know it is not going to run all the Windows apps. I agree that there should be a more open approach to these things, but in an economic system that prizes competition and profit above all things, closed systems tend to become the norm to distinguish them form their competitors.

Workplaces might force you to use them.

@yum13241 in which case everything you would need to do that work is available. He’ll, many of the open source apps people will point to as essential will also run an a Mac.

After you spend hours compiling it lol. Also, let's not forget that macOS is generally unfriendly to workflows that require more than one window active. Either you waste tons of space on the dock, menu bar, and title bar, or you maximize it and in the case of browsers, can't change tabs.

@yum13241 I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve used many open source programs on macOS, already compiled and already packaged to work on Mac’s. What version of macOS are you referring to, 7?

I mean cross compiling the Intel version over to the M1 architecture.

@yum13241 but you don’t actually have to do that as x86 versions will run on a Mac.

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