Top Apple analyst says MacBook demand has fallen 'significantly'

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 359 points –
Top Apple analyst says MacBook demand has fallen 'significantly'

Top Apple analyst says MacBook demand has fallen 'significantly'::A top Apple analyst said Wednesday that shipments for MacBook computers will decline around 30% year over year.


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I'm not following — what's the cheap shit you're referring to here?

It's cool that you were able to keep your Surface for so long though. I wish more people would hang onto their tech until it actually needs replacing.

Cheap laptops. When you buy a quality / smilingly priced windows laptop they can last as long as a Mac book

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I often find myself pushing friends and family to spend a little bit more on laptops (regardless of brand) because I know they could keep them for longer if they did. I always remind them that it's cheaper to buy a good laptop once than it is to buy three shitty ones.

Yup. Buy a $500 windows laptop and kf course it would end up failing before a $2000 Mac book

My personal Mac laptop lost connection from video card to board. It is a well known issue in older models.

That was the last Mac I bought. I didn’t see a reason to drop $3k when I could get something as good for half the price.

But I risked if Linux would run on hardware…

Okay? I don’t get what that has to do with what I said though. I’d love to see the half-the-price-but-just-as-good options today though, I’m not aware of any.