
1 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Just tippy-tappin' my way across the internet.

What a useless headline. God forbid they just give the actual capacity rather than some abstract, bullshit, flexible measure that means nothing to anyone.

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America’s whole tipping thing is a nightmare. Just make companies pay employees properly and if they can’t, maybe they shouldn’t be a business.

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Why is everyone making this a price thing? The way I see it, this is because Apple Silicon is so damn good. I replaced an Intel MacBook Pro with an M2 Air and I’m not going to need another machine until this thing stops working. People shouldn’t need to buy new laptops every couple of years. This is a win in my eyes.

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I can see how it might look like that if you simply ignore literally all the details. But thats only something an idiot would do. You’re not an idiot, are you?

That’s the trick, you don’t read them.

Person A creates an email with AI, attaches a ppt created with AI, and send it to person B.

Person B gets AI to summarise the email and ppt, and create a response.


It’s an ouroboros of shit.

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They're frustrated because it shows that they aren't necessary. People can just get on and do their work without some micromanager breathing down their neck.

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Is anyone really surprised by this?

Unless that’s more than they made with their misleading pricing, that’s not really a punishment. Fines for companies need to be bigger or they’re not really deterred from shady behaviour.

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Web 4 — it’s web 3 but this time the grift is slightly different.

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I'm gonna guess he has way more than two burners. The dude is an addict, tweeting is all he has.

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Seeing people say they’re saving lots of time with LLMs makes me wonder how much menial busywork other people do relative to myself. I find so few things in my day where using these tools wouldn’t just make me a babysitter for a dumb machine.

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I pray this bumbling moron actually does it.

Edit: spelling. Apparently I’m a bumbling moron too.

Realistically, a couple of 10TB drives would have me covered for like a decade at least. If these massive drives bring down the price of much smaller ones, I'm a happy boy.

Hilarious. In what world is a Linux a good choice for “Elderly people who are not familiar with advanced technology and prefer clean and simple computer usage”.

The elderly people I know already struggle with the systems they’ve used for years. And when something goes wrong, they can ask basically anyone and someone will be able to help them.

Now insert Linux (which “flavour”? Who knows, pick one) and see who can help with even basic tasks or problems. This is fantasy shit.

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Maybe it’s time for a grown up CEO.

I mean, it is a private company and they can do what they want. It’s a shitty and childish thing that Musk is choosing to do but it’s his $44B dumpster fire to fuel as he pleases.

Advocating for free speech rights for a private American company to be beholden to is stupid because it misunderstands everything about free speech laws work and how companies and content moderation work.

The people who think Elon brought free speech to Twitter tend to also be the people who think free speech starts and ends at your right to use slurs without social consequences.

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Writer here, absolutely not having this experience. Generative AI tools are bad at writing, but people generally have a pretty low bar for what they think is good enough.

These things are great if you care about tech demos and not quality of output. If you actually need the end result to be good though, you’re gonna be waiting a while.

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Brain transplants into completely healthy bodies could help too, but since neither are available right now, I don’t get what the purpose of this article is.

This shit seems like the perfect basis for a discrimination lawsuit.

Given that Twitter's already relatively tiny user base is dwindling, the platform is now account-walled, and Musk is a notorious liar, I doubt any prominent creators are going to even consider cross-posting to Twitter.

A competitive alternative would be great, but Twitter isn't going to be it.

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This is objectively stupid. There are tonnes of things you learn in maths that are useful for everyday life even if you don’t do the actual calculations by hand.

Web 4, now with Grift 2.

Because it’s hard to support employees and compete with corporate behemoths like Microsoft and Apple when your product is a free, open-source OS?

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How is this tricking you? If anything it’s tricking Google, but who gives a fuck about Google. This is a business trying to work within a broken system.

Wait til they find out I'm happy to pay nothing and still get the same content (often with less hassle).

All these streaming services seem to have forgotten that piracy is incredibly easy and a lot of use chose to use their services because they were originally convenient and affordable. Now that they're more fractured than ever and way more expensive, why would I bother?

It’s not because it’s not used by the common public, it’s because there aren’t normie-friendly resources and or a company help desk that average people rely on when they need assistance. It’s all well and good for people to say these things are easy to learn and they don’t break, it in the real world, for people who don’t really care about this stuff but have to use it for a few random tasks, it’s nice to know there’s a place that will help you. Not everyone has a techie friend or relative.

The issue is not with the software itself (although there are issues there) as much as it is with non-commercial nature of Linux. It’s great that there’s a thriving community of people who are passionate about this stuff and get great use and enjoyment out of it, but many of the reasons people love it are also reasons why it will probably never be a viable mainstream option.

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Privacy is complicated and often a luxury. Not everyone has the technical understanding to protect their privacy, nor the money to always choose the privacy-conscious option (which are almost always paid options). And to be honest, they shouldn't really have to if governments did their jobs and brought in effective privacy protection laws.

You cam modify the windows 11 installer to install on a surface pro also

You can technically install MacOS on old, unsupported Macs too. I've never done it personally but I know people who've been running the latest software on long-unsupported hardware with no issues for years.

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A problem with a blockchain-related grift? I’m utterly shocked!!!

Sure, except there’s nothing to suggest that this stuff would reduce the number of real humans being abused.

I’m confused. Are you upset that they’re switching to better chip architectures as they become available? Because you can still run Intel Mac apps with Rosetta and some of them actually run better now than they did on Intel hardware.

You’re complaining about something that’s just a byproduct of technological progress.

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This is going to blow your mind, but your computer doesn't explode when it stops getting updates. You can keep using it as long as the tools you use don't specifically require a new OS. I know, it's crazy, but it's true.

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Often times, yes. I don't want to always have to have a USB key on me, but I always have access to MFA apps via my phone, watch, or laptop. I have no idea why you're typing the code out instead of copying and pasting.

That’s fair. You could still have that same functionality through something like double tapping the shift key (like it currently works on iPhones) but I guess that might also be hard for some people on a physical keyboard?

Yeah, it’s really not good, especially because the people I’ve seen use this stuff the most are the ones who would rarely ever question the quality of the work it does or bother to make sure it’s accurate.

And because managers and business owners see “productivity” increase, they expect that that’s the new standard, and AI will essentially just have made doing quality work harder for everyone involved.

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What your brother is doing is a pretty good example of why this stuff needs to be regulated better. People's performance evaluations are not the kind of thing that these tools are equipped to do properly.

Older Macs often get extra security updates even after they stop getting new OS updates. But if you’re the type of person to use a decade-old machine, I suspect that security isn’t your top concern.

Also, you can pretty easily get new versions of MacOS running on unsupported hardware, so it’s a non-issue no matter how you look at it.

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What are the chances that it won’t cause extinction, but will just make things a bit (or maybe a lot) worse for a lot of people?

I don’t think any reasonable people are all that concerned with doomsday scenario as much as with the slow march towards a bullshit future.

That remains to be seen. We have yet to see one of these things actually get good at anything, so we don’t know how hard that last part is to do. I don’t think we can assume there will be continuous linear progress. Maybe it’ll take one year, maybe it’ll take 10, maybe it’ll just never reach that point.

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I’d assume that any work done by Apple on generative AI would be carried out with the goal of replacing/enhancing Siri.