Next-gen optical disk can store over 14,000 4k movies

Brad to – 231 points –
Next-gen optical disc can store over 14,000 4K movies | Digital Trends

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What a useless headline. God forbid they just give the actual capacity rather than some abstract, bullshit, flexible measure that means nothing to anyone.

Asteroid the size of 64 Canada geese to pass Earth Tuesday - NASA

I'm not even making this up ....

The US really will do anything to avoid using metric lol

Canada geese are metric tho…

Our ongoing war with Canadian geese are actually the reason why we didn't convert to metric. The geese have a harder time converting their flight paths if we list things in imperial.

Canada geese are whatever the fuck they want.

That's to be interesting for readers.

It also stands out a lot more than using meters. And gets people to talk about the ridiculous unit of measurement. In short, it drives engagement, which is the point of the title these days.

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I especially like it when they use airplanes to illustrate weight. “… the same as 15 Boeing 747 jumbo jets”. Airplanes are made to be as light as possible, they go to extreme lengths to save as much weight as they can. As such, a 747 is much lighter than most objects of similar size. People have no intuition of the weight of such large objects to begin with, but then they add to it by using something that is much lighter than you’d expect.

It's larger than 6 olympic swimming pools and fits in my pants.

They have to make it as accessible a headline as possible, especially when most don't read past the headline anyway these days. The average person probably doesn't have much of an idea as to what 125TB looks like in real world use.

I'd argue that most people would have a better idea of what 125TB looks like than knowing the size of a 4k movie file, let alone 14,000 of them. They can at least compare 125TB to their 500GB/1TB phone/computer storage.

Not to mention there's nearly 10x difference in bitrate between 4K streaming video and actual 4K HDR off a bluray. The only people who know how big a 4K video is these days are nerds and pirates, because it's not like Netflix tells you.

It would seem attractive for me 20 years ago - as in funny and colorful. A little bit like Neal Stephenson's writing in Cryptonomicon.

The problem is that various kinds of storage are something completely mundane today, and that particular thing is not going to reach us anytime soon, and BR is not too common as well.

And the initial association with optical discs for me is about scratches. Maybe if those were distributed in protective cases like with floppies, they'd live longer.

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