1 Post – 357 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I know the admins have unquestionable integrity (they certainly pretend as much) so surely they are going to retroactively pay every user who contributed their benchmarks for free. Right? When should I expect my first royalty check?

Good. Fuck everything about Facebook and their advertising empire. Let it burn.

Hmm. On second thought, I'll fire up A1111 and start making fakes to fuel the fire.

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Sorry, best we can do is some unrelated ASCII art.

Intentionally inflammatory and misleading headlines on Lemmy? Pshaw. The hell you say.

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It sounds like exactly what I would want, if it were open source, audited, and under my direct control.

You heard it here first.

2024: Year of the Linux Desktop

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Upvoted solely on the basis of having a video thumbnail that isn't cancer.

BetterHelp is a scam.

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which is not that uncommon at a tech company.

That's a super tenuous connection. Having their name listed as a partner of a cyber alliance doesnt mean much.

Quad9 is entirely subject to Swiss privacy law, and the Swiss government extends that protection of the law to Quad9's users throughout the world, regardless of citizenship or country of residence

They are not at all subject to City of London laws.

Got anything concrete or...?

Right-of-way, right-o'way, utility easement

Lemmy now has export/import for settings, including blocklist.

Source? That doesn't match up with their published numbers, so I'm skeptical. Post up a source if you're going to make such an absurd claim.

Their endowment is around $100MM USD, as of 2021, which is nowhere near enough to cover their operating costs just from interest. Unless they're somehow obtaining 112% interest...

Revenue: $162.9 million (2021)

Expenses: $111.8 million (2021)

Endowment: $100 million (2021)

Source(s) here:

So you could argue that they got plenty of donations in 2021, I suppose. But that's a very different claim.

More likely, though, you're just talking out of your ass and have no idea how finances work.

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I carry a bit of gaffer's tape everywhere for those little obnoxious blue bastards.

I can tell you're not a parent. School systems choose these things without consulting us. Parents don't have much say in it. There isnt an opt-out.

So by your statement, because I can't afford to send my kid to private school, I must not be a caring parent.

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Having used diffusion a bit for static images, I can only look forward to the eldrich horrors it will inevitably create.

I block them all. If I wanted reddit content, I'd still be on reddit.

So, effective today, we are rolling back the artistic nudity changes. Moving forward, depictions of real or fictional nudity won’t be allowed on Twitch, regardless of the medium. This restriction does not apply to Mature-rated games.

The nerdy looking dude in the gif touched grass. "Wasted" is from a video game (GTA?) screen shown each time you died. So from this we can infer that our terminally-online protagonist, Hiroshi, did not survive the attempt to disconnect, even if only briefly.

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A few weeks ago, I was reinstalling my phone and stumbled across Fossify Gallery while looking for Simple Gallery Pro. I assumed they were a shady copycat because their app listing (on F-Droid) makes no mention of Simple Mobile Tools, yet it appears to be a fork. Consequently, I avoided it because it seemed shady. Turns out, SMT was bought.

I would have trusted this a lot more easily if the f-droid listing made it clear what is going on here. Maybe the (contributor to SMT) Dev who forked to Fossify was trying to avoid legal entanglements or something, but it made Fossify seem sketchy if you dont know the backstory, which I had no way of knowing.

Anyway, here is the corrected link to Fossify's github:

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some have sworn off flying altogether

Bubba didnt fly much anyway.

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Especially for the users.

You want someone like Trump to decide who has access? Nah

Commiting felonies to antagonize a DOJ lawyer personally would be a whole different level of stupid.

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The "cost estimate" for running Wikipedia, which that article just asserts as gospel, is a "a casual 2013 estimate by Erik Möller, its VP of engineering and product development at the time." So a very OLD and uninformed guess by someone who wasnt directly involved in finance. To me, that makes this read like a sensationalized hit piece, not credible journalism.

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The time to buy a gun is before the fascists arrive at your door.

Hangouts was the best thing going for a while there. Of course they had to goog it up.

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Dad got Mom pregnant accidentally. Because of that, they settled down to raise a kid. Then, living together led to another kid, and another. Etc.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

ADHD and ODD comorbidity occur in about 60% of people diagnosed with ADHD. Additionally, those with both conditions have a more challenging outlook.

The ADHD defiant disorder combination may increase the chance of developing other mental health conditions such as:

  • anxiety: persistent worry or fear

  • depression: feeling sadness interfering with everyday functioning

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That's funny to me, since I have spent decades in the Ohio Valley and have never heard of us having a style of pizza. Unless "barely edible" is a style.

edit: Oh, I remember this. Never seen it in the wild, though. After asking around, a friend tells me there's a place nearby that does sell pizza this way. (I'm still not trying it because I dont hate my tastebuds that much.)

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Sure...if by "normally", we mean that I will block or filter those communities as soon as I see them.

Not out of any malice or resentment. I just don't want to see communities where I won't be able to even read the titles, nor participate in comments.

As an outsider with a researcher PhD in the family, I suspect its an issue of how the institutions measure success. How many papers? How many cites? Other metrics might work, but probably not as broadly. I assume they will also care about the size of your staff, how much grant money you get, patents held, etc.

I suspect that, short of a Nobel prize, it is difficult to objectively measure how one is advancing scientific progress (without a PhD committee to evaluate it.)

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Interesting project. Terrible name.

You should dry and sell it...

You'd make a mint.


[X] Doubt

Those reading this might be interested in this map, which uses airline ADS-B data to map GPS jamming.

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I'd make heavy use of the block feature. Then probably leave eventually

Thank you for posting. My issue is with the use of scare quotes in the title. It's a terrible title and because of it, I won't give them my click. Any organization that would use that title is only doing yellow journalism (or is so bad at writing that they dont see how it reads.)

Maybe edit out the quotation marks in the title.

Much of Appalachia is the same. If you don't talk like a redneck, you get picked on. The smart kids with social savvy will learn to code switch.

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