Russia's GPS jamming puts aviation, shipping at additional risk as well | News | ERR to – 59 points –

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Those reading this might be interested in this map, which uses airline ADS-B data to map GPS jamming.

Pretty interesting. I'm gonna take a wild guess that most of the low level (green) jamming is just plain old electromagnetic interference?

Really curious to know what's going on over Poland. Found this article talking about it. Seems to think Russia is responsible which I suppose isn't a surprise.

Really curious to know what's going on over Poland. Found this article talking about it. Seems to think Russia is responsible which I suppose isn't a surprise.

Yeah, it looks to me like this is mostly a map of gps noise, I would assume that only a fraction of it is intentional jamming. But it paints a pretty clear pattern, with the only large areas of heavy jamming being around Russia and the middle east (Israel, Jordan, Iraq, iran) and between Pakistan and India. All areas that have real concerns about being the target of gps guided nukes.