Majority of gamers play with subtitles turned on to – 121 points –
Subtitles in video games: yes or no? Do players use them?

For instance, Assassin’s Creed Origins had subtitles turned off by default and 60% of players turned them on.


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This is why I think dynamic range compression should be a standard feature for TVs, phones, stereos, PCs and other consumer devices that output audio. Something to even out quiet dialogue and loud explosions would be a godsend for movie watchers everywhere.

I know Windows has a compressor of sorts built in, the audio equalization feature, and I wish there were a good equivalent for this on Linux.

Truth be told, with my auditory processing issues, I'd probably still be using subtitles in tandem with compression/equalization if it were an option. BUT, it'd still be nice to have for watching things late at night without waking other people up.

Funnily enough, watching TV in bed is the other reason I started watching with subs! I've since switched to bluetooth headphones for that and I find I don't usually need subtitles if I'm using them.

I know Windows has a compressor of sorts built in, the audio equalization feature, and I wish there were a good equivalent for this on Linux.

Install easyeffects if it's not installed by default. You can have all kinds of audio processing for both output and input

Tried that a while ago. I found a preset that was supposed to be similar to Windows' audio equalization, but I wasn't satisfied with the results.