Philips Kept Warnings About Dangerous CPAP Machines Secret While Profits Soared. to World – 105 points –
Philips Kept Complaints About Dangerous Breathing Machines Secret While Company Profits Soared

Exhibit #482,683 on why capitalism and medicine are inevitably a horrible combination.


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I agree, and, furthermore, corporate death penalties for this kind of shit need to be an actual thing. Did your actions directly cause disease and death? Yes? Great, we're dissolving your board, banning them form serving on the board of any publicly traded company for a decade, liquidating company assets, and criminally charging anyone who touched this shit with a 10-foot pole.

thats a bridge to far for me but I would really like regulation to go back to what we were doing in the 70's

You're entitled to that opinion, but if I go out right now and murder someone with my vehicle due to deliberately or accidentally getting drunk, I'm probably going to jail. Corporations have demanded that they be treated as people, so...fine. Let's give them what they want.

yeah actually my brain sorta misread and I thought you were talking executing the board. rereading its not to bad.