5 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Here is how record companies have treated their own precious assets:

10s of thousands of original master recordings lost forever. They should fucking be paying for preserving these artists' works

*Edit: and of course Universal is one of the plaintiffs. I hate these fuckers so much

Choose your capitalist fate!

Path A: medical bankruptcy.

Path B: incurable disease and certain horrible death.

Quite a system the wealthy have built for us. I'll be terribly disappointed if the book doesn't end with a bunch of guillotines.

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Well, that guy is clearly a massive prick, but let's also talk about how fucking ugly that truck is. I don't know when everyone decided that land yacht pickup trucks were the bees knees, but they're not. They're just dumb and so. goddamn. ugly.

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This is seriously deserving of an antitrust investigation. An open web is essential.

*Edit: referring to Chrome and its derivatives, not Adobe. Alphabet/Google has been begging for antitrust action for years.

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I feel like I'm going to get a lot of use out of this.

There is no indication whatsoever that @SleeplessOne1917 is the same person as @cannotsleep420. Jesus, people, stop pissing yourselves for the literal 30 seconds it took to fact check this bullshit claim.

*edit: I took the liberty of finding the actual dev's account: /u/ It took a whole additional minute. You're welcome

*edit 2: /u/ has some links below that do indeed link /u/ to /u/ Soooo, while I don't regret my nearly infinite capacity for skepticism, but it looks like this story has some legs. Hat tip to NOT_RICK, who is adamantly not Rick.

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Glad she's finding out, but she can probs fundraise her way out of that in a few hours via the right-wing griftiverse. There's no amount of money that hate-filled right wing grannies won't give to assholes that they think will stick it to the libs.

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Populism requires sacrificial lambs and fascism requires victims.

Christ those are fucking ugly. Guaranteed to be exclusively worn by elderly people and the worst kind of Trump-humping schmucks.

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This is a scare tactic and it's a stupid one. If there were any advantage whatsoever to a nuclear powered cruise missile, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. would have already cranked out thousands of them instead of conventional rockets.

We could just rewrite the headline as:

Putin says, "Booga Booga!!! Have nuclear shit!! Am scary asshole!!"

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At least the yokels stuck it to the libs before they had all their extra-depraved porn taken away.

This trolling is like squirrel hunting with a howitzer. No subtlety. No skill. Pathetic. You should be ashamed of your weak, baby-like troll-fu.

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Google forcing people to use its browser or pushing companies to develop exclusively for its browsers has broad antitrust implications, especially if they are using their ad clout to push wider adoption.

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3. Don't request or link to specific pirated titles

This is not that complicated

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That's Xitter's last dying gasp, for me. I have only accessed it through Nitter for many months now.

The McDonald's lady required skin grafts. This woman suffered mild disappointment. There is no possible comparison between the two cases. False advertising? Yes. Refer to FTC for penalties. Harm suffered? Virtually zero. This is a frivolous lawsuit and waste of any court's time.

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At least one of those is super innocuous and I have no idea why it got moderated. I have thoughts on the others.

LGBTQ+: You probably just don't want to fuck with any marginalized communities, even if it's a pretty light touch. It's not hard to apply a valid slippery slope argument here.

Unborn child: Abortion is a touchy area, but what is reaaalllly touchy is miscarriage, Your meme could be pretty upsetting for someone who has had one or knows someone who has (we all do). I obviously can't mindread the mods, but there's a another angle that could explain the deletion. People get worked up about this shit man

Bottom line: if you wanna do edgier memes, fire up an EdgelordMemez community and have at it.

I just tried it out and the UI and additional functionality is a massive upgrade over the current stock Mastodon experience. And it federates seamlessly with Mastodon accounts. The Antenna feature is something that I've been looking for in Mastodon since day one. The fediverse rules. Use it if you like it!

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Why would you pirate something with no intrinsic value? It'd be like stealing seawater. Piracy requires booty, NFTs have none.

I haven't seen a new truck without a bed liner in decades. I apparently thought they were standard equipment.

If you need one, you need one, but I'm confident that a tiny percentage of these things are used for actual work. Also: still ugly. Sorry.

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ITT: people who apparently think the only online crime is copyright infringement.

Jesus Christ. Theme: tell me you're an American without telling me you're an American.

Best healthcare in the...ya know, fuck it, I can't even sarcastically finish the sentence

*Edit: OK, so this article is missing a bunch of vital context. Here's a better one:

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Meanwhile, legislation like this also forces the Buck Angels of the world to use women's restrooms. It's all so fucking stupid. Kids are statistically in more danger from a priest or youth pastor.

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Admins despise ratio cheaters and it's a great way to get banned across multiple trackers. I recommend just getting a seedbox.

I agree, and, furthermore, corporate death penalties for this kind of shit need to be an actual thing. Did your actions directly cause disease and death? Yes? Great, we're dissolving your board, banning them form serving on the board of any publicly traded company for a decade, liquidating company assets, and criminally charging anyone who touched this shit with a 10-foot pole.

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Do we just not fucking do Rule #3 any more?

#3: Do not request or link to specific pirated titles

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Rule 3 ➜ Don't request or link to specific pirated titles

The rules exist for a reason and they aren't suggestions.

Can confirm group-watching with Plex. I did this quite a few times with some friends during the darkest initial pandemic times and it's a great way to connect with distant friends. I also recommend, as someone mentioned, a simultaneous discord chat. We exclusively watched horrible movies and MST3K'd the shit out of them.

Bandwidth has literally never been a problem on any tracker. BitTorrent made bandwidth concerns obsolete over 20 years ago, as long as files are well-seeded.

You will have to pay your dues like everybody else.

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Usually as loudly as possible while wildly gesticulating and showing huge quantities of bloodshot eyeball. Seems effective so far, will continue to report in.

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3. Don't request or link to specific pirated titles

Jesus Christ, this is not that fucking complicated

They got fired for the only crime for cops: ignoring pleas for help from other cops. If they had only just beaten a sufficiently pigmented or poor person to death, these two brave trainers would still likely be out there catching Pokemon and living the dream.

Yeah, to be clear, I think Google should be the target of multiple antitrust actions. This is just a symptom.

Click-baity ass headline does nothing to bolster the actual claim. Not-published equals hype machine that will likely amount to nothing and change nothing.

This happens with every migration from a large platform. One thing that insulates the fediverse, I think, is that it's non-commercial nature makes it enshittification-proof. There are a lot of significant problems, but it's super attractive that some tech-bro dickhead won't blow up the platform to satisfy shareholders' insatiable profit-lust.

Reddit is now firmly on the enshittification path, so it's only a matter of time before another exodus wave.

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This looks really great. It's going to need some dedicated book nerds to fill it with content, but those are probably not hard to find around here. I'm in.

Edit: a lot of dedicated book nerds

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5 subjects is such a tiny sample size as to be scientifically worthless. I wouldn't get too worked up about this study.

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Let the enshittification continue.

Find your exact device here and then look at tutorials for unlocking your bootloader and installing a custom ROM. I had a Galaxy from that era and it's relatively easy to pwn them. As a noob, you should set aside a day for the process and make sure you've carefully read all the tutorials before that day. Careful prep will save you a lot of stress.

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