Three Things You Should Do Before Deleting Your Reddit Account to – 67 points –
Three Things You Should Do Before Deleting Your Reddit Account

The steps to deleting your Reddit account


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The problem with deleting is that they can still harvest your data, you want to use a script to overwrite everything if you truly want it gone

If they want to keep our data, realistically nothing we can do will stop them.

I had the same mental debate when I deleted my Facebook account years ago and realized I just don't have any power in this situation. I am deleting things mostly for my benefit; it's symbolic, like throwing away the remaining pack of cigarettes. That act by itself does nothing, but it sure doesn't hurt my chances of actually kicking the habit.

In this case, even if the data is still buried somewhere in Reddit's servers, if enough people do the same it will destroy any "value" that Reddit has left as a company. Trying to undo all of that would be a massive, likely impractical undertaking that I'm comfortable betting simply won't happen.

At the very least, you can edit all of your posts to advertise a lemmy instance hahaha.