4 Post – 216 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.

Your local herpetology guy.

Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!

This seems like this is going to be heavily counteracted by better engines, and AI generation.

I wonder how it'll play out though.

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It's not like they're doing it on purpose, there's a lot of things being worked on, and this is one of them.

It'll at the very least make indie studios capable of insane things.

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Manjaro 100%

Everything they add to arch makes arch worse. Everything good about manjaro comes from arch.

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Their efficiency drops to 90 percent after only 600 hours? Isn't that actually awful?

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If there's not going to be federation via activitypub I will not continue to use beehaw at all, so, this was very unfortunate to read.

Note: honeybees are not a native species in the US

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I love them, let reddit die, we should have never trusted a centralized dictatorship of a corporation with our forums.

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You should read stirner.

I think the notion that humans are evil means you must be a conservative is laughable honestly. I'm a communist and I certainly don't believe humans are naturally good or selfless in any way.

I think once these two issues are solved, the average user really isn't going to have any problem with lemmy.

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We don't know that for sure yet, we saw a lot of emergent intelligent properties appear as we scaled up, and we're nowhere near done scaling LLM's, I'm not saying it will be solved, just that we don't know one way or the other yet.

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...because one side wants to eradicate a group of people (trans people) for their personal choices that they have nothing to do with, and take away rights from people that affect them in exactly no ways.

What does the left want to do that's fascist?

This issue tracker will completely resolve the problem you're facing.

Give the devs time, it's not fully matured yet!

The problems with lemmy are being solved, the problems with reddit are because reddit makes reddit malicious intentionally.

Designing federated things is much more difficult than a centralized service, but the results you get from federation are amazing:

Imagine if reddit was federated, if the main reddit instance tried the API thing they're doing right now, we'd just move to another instance and lose literally none of the content or anything. This means lemmy will NEVER have those problems, and it WILL get better.

This solves your issue, it isn't a fundemantal problem, it's a growing pain.

Oh dear god the war has been going for 16 months now?

I stopped following it after the first month.

Thanks for the information that's very helpful. there's already a pull request, it's being fixed soon.

The problem with deleting is that they can still harvest your data, you want to use a script to overwrite everything if you truly want it gone

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I'm usually a snake owner (although not at the moment), the amount of people who have horrible misconceptions about snakes genuinely frighten me

People see snakes and assume they're bitey monsters that just want to hurt you, this could not be further from the case, snakes have relatively fragile teeth, and their venom is precious, furthermore they cannot tear chunks out of their prey, they must swallow them whole. These few things combined means that biting humans is not really high on their list of things to do. Some snakes can be rather defensive, but there's no snake that will chase a human, and you can tame almost any snake down from defensiveness relatively easily (much easier than you could if a giant grabbed you)

There's no such thing as a snake that chases humans, they aren't slimy, they aren't all venomous, and the venomous ones know they will still lose a fight with a human, so, they will run away, furthermore it is no consolation prize to the snake that they kill you TOMORROW if you've been bit, when their head has been stomped today.

I use vim, and I can safely say, it was worth bothering to learn it and set it up, ESPECIALLY if you make a career out of it, and one time I had a friend who didn't use an IDE and I showed him how much easier it was to do certain things on vim and he felt very very stupid for using notepad.

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I brute forced my way through learning starcraft, it took literal years to get out of the bronze league, probably my most played game of all time. Can't wait for immortal gates of pyre.

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A fork wouldn't help anything at all, the problem is that nobody is working on the patches not that the devs won't accept them here's a video about it.

The US has countless pollinators.

How do you know all this about him? I've never heard of this guy until 5 minutes ago and am very curious.

Edit: 2022 corrupt person of the year... Great.

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Once this lands it'll be all the positives and none of the downsides, so, meh.

As soon as this gets merged, I'm done with Gboard I hope.

Here's what was written there:

I think there's a team of people intentionally spreading lemmy misinformation. I think reddit is trying to get people not to switch from this platform

People are saying the same things everywhere, but on any analysis, they don't actually make sense, let me give an example:

Lemmy is absolutely too convoluted for normal people. "There are multiple servers, many of which overlap with each other content-wise? Which one am I supposed to use? This isn't as simple as reddit," says the photographer who posted to /r/earthporn, says the politics junkie who posted in /r/worldnews, says the creative writer who posted to /r/nosleep.

There is no way to prevent this from happening again. It will happen again, no matter what. If Lemmy gets big, it will only do so if a couple servers rise above all others so the normies can understand that those are the servers to join... and those servers eventually will take advantage of their users just as reddit has done."

There's no aspect of truth to this comment, as an example, let's try actually doing what they're saying is too hard:

click "communities"

search "news"

oh, there's the one at the top with the most subscribers


So, did they just make up that it was too convoluted for normal people? Yes. Is there some truth to the notion that there are multiple communities for the same thing... Also yes, but there are on reddit too, it's no different than r/art and r/art1 r/art2 and the billion other subreddits in a similar position. People just search and then use the largest one... so is it an actual problem, or is it just grasping at straws? You be the judge of that.

Are there things that make lemmy difficult? Yes, but they're rapidly being solved and extremely minimal, other than that issue tracker, the other thing that might stop you is that some lemmy instances require a message and approve signup, this is because they widely aren't monetized and are run by volunteers with no intention of ever monetizing. Neither of these things are real blockers to normal human adoption, and neither of them are long-term fundamental issues.

If you think federation is too complex for normal users, I ask you, why does email face no such difficulty? Why is nobody complaining about how difficult email is because of federation?

The other issue is genuinely a problem, the lemmy developers are tankies... however, lemmy is released under an open source license, none of their ideology is being injected into the code, and this is akin to worrying about the ideology of the developers of email. Use an instance not created by them, and you're safe from this entirely, I recommend

Don't let the misinformation factory stress you, I don't have proof that reddit is doing this on purpose, but this seems to be a common set of lies... and if you don't like lemmy anyway, there's also kbin, which federates with lemmy but is made by completely separate developers.

Federation is NECESSARY for a non-corpo/government propaganda AND control ridden future. If reddit were federated, nobody would give a fuck about this api thing, because we'd just go to another instance, and all of our content would still be available on that other instance. That's why reddit fears federation, none of the issues with lemmy are fundamental, let's build a better future, one where we don't have to hope a benevolent centralized monopoly/dictatorship on a community will work for us!

And lemmy is the only way to save these precious reddit apps:

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It's necessary because the website is transparent, if you were to federate with an instance, you'd need this information in order to moderate your instance, in order to check for bots, and various other things, that's the only reason it exists.

I've been playing a ton of combat master.

F2p with no bs, I love it, and it has a proper Linux client, it even runs natively on Wayland for me.

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This isn't a reason federation doesn't work at all, that implies a fundamental issue with federation, this is why focusing on performance instead of mod tools and helping content filtering doesn't work, the same would've happened to a massive centralized service without proper mod tools.

Newpipe for me!

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You guys are all joking but this totally ruins my plans for if I won multiple lotteries.


Competition often does not drive innovation in the software world, quite the opposite, free open source software allows collaboration between many people to better innovate than competition ever could, especially in this particular space.

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It'll be okay once the mod tools are improved.

Reddit finding ways to actively make things worse, while lemmy rapidly improves.

At the very least, you can edit all of your posts to advertise a lemmy instance hahaha.

I want to help support my community on lemmy!

I would have never bothered modding for reddit, because I don't give a shit if reddit succeeds or dies, but I want lemmy to succeed!

Eh, I think we're about to hit complete photorealism on those things without it mattering at all anyway

What we really need is easier access to assets.

Actually, while it may seem fucked up at first glance... if you really think long and hard about it, you'll realize it's actually really fucked up.