AI rule to – 1343 points –

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Even if people can just take your shit and profit off it - so can you.

What entitles someone to take another person's work and profit off it?


The subject is intellectual property, in general.

Why am I not entitled to share culture?

Why am I not entitled to create, if similarity exists?

Why does someone get to own an idea, just because they wrote it down first?

Is the world's copyright system flawed? Yes. Should it be completely removed? No, because otherwise a lot of creative branches would be unsustainable. Artists need money, musicians need money etc.

I'm not against copyright. I'm trying to guide this other use through why their post is a nonsensical response to someone who is.

If you don't want to defend what you said that's fine but I'm not going to pretend we were actually talking about something else. 🤷‍♂️ "Share culture" is not when you take someone else's drawing and dropship hundreds of shittily made tshirts on the Facebook marketplace. That's what IP protects artists from and fighting stuff like that takes up a stupid amount of time for anyone that isn't a corporation.

If you are creating that's absolutely fine. But shit you typed into AI isn't creating anything and literally couldn't exist without the people that actually create art.

So you still have no idea what I'm trying to convey here.

You're fixated on one aspect, and ignoring all other consequences. "If you are creating that’s absolutely fine" is NOT what any version of copyright law says. Not ever. So demanding an answer to an explanation of why your first response was a strawman is not the mic-drop you think it is.


“Artists don’t deserve to profit off their own work” is a position you made up. They're your words. It's a thing you, and you alone, have said. But that's never the same thing as whether anyone else can. This is such a basic 'not-all doesn't mean none' distinction, and it is the only reason I wrote the only words you chose to read.

Look at who they responded to. The statement is not a straan when the person that was responded to doesn't believe in respect the rights of creators.