youtube getting more agressive blocking users after 3 videos to – 1025 points –

youtube getting more aggressive.. i've got firefox and ublock but this shit is still coming up


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Anyone who pays for premium is a fucking loser.

What a subtle take. Anyone who doesn't conform to my view points must be inferior.

Everyone actively working at the google enshittification should honestly consider jumping off a fucking bridge. You're an awful person and you make the world a worse place to be in.

Yes, inciting people to kill themselves, sure. You do know there are many corporations (cue the oil and gas industry) which are monstrously worse than Google.

Anyone who really thinks that Google right now is the main thing making the world a worse place sure lives in a bubble. But then, these YouTube bad posts I have been seeing since almost over a month ever since this thing started rolling out. I get it, it is bad but would you stop harping over it like it is the end of the world? There is more to tech than just posting Google bad every alternate day.

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