youtube getting more agressive blocking users after 3 videos to – 1025 points –

youtube getting more aggressive.. i've got firefox and ublock but this shit is still coming up


Get Firefox, install uBlock Origin, clear the filter cache, and reload the filter cache.

Worked for me and my dad

It is time to stop the Chrome plauge.

It's currently working, but every few days youtube will tweak something, and sometime later (minutes to hours) there will be an ublock update for it.

Sometimes you have to wait a little longer, but this is the arms race.

I find it funny that a company as big as Google is loosing to little ol uBlock

It's often far easier to attack than defend.

Google has to find and block every way, ublock just has to make a new way to bypass the blocks.

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They're working on a final solution to the ad blocker problem. If they're successful in pushing their Web Environment Integrity API, there's nothing Firefox or ublock will be able to do.

What about piped like solutions hostux, invidious etc? How do they work? Is it through API? Can Google block it like reddit did theirs? Also if google is so concerned about ad blockers why do they allow those extensions in their Chrome store? I thinks its going to get really tough to get Youtube for free without ads. Eventually Youtube might become something like Netflix or something.

Piped/invidious work by scrapping the video chunks directly from google and proxying them through volunteer servers. They will stop working as soon as google gets around to locking down the APIs that they are abusing, or blocks their server IPs.

I find it funny

I'm not having any fun. How dare they! With all the evil virus attacks nowadays and most of them starting through online ads, using an adblocker is a matter of security. And it is my decision, not theirs. None of their business.

Especially funny since blocking ublock is illegal in the EU

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Some arms races aren't what they appear to be:

I might read the article later, but your thesis is right.

This isn't a arms race, it's also convenience race.

Is it more convenient for me to turn off ublock, or go through ublocks menus and update its filters? Do I dislike ads that much? Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But some people will turn off their adblock of choice, even if it technically still works if you update it. Their conversion rate of viewer to ad consumer will (probably) go up.

It's worth the read. I really only posted it because you have to respect the technical prowess involved. Also it's kind of funny.

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yep.. i did. they keep coming up, somehow. very annoying.

I switched over to and no ads. Just moved my subscriptions over. Not sure how long it will last but so far it's good

If that doesn't work, get the youtube enhancer extension. Turn off it's built in adblock. You'll have a bunch of buttons on the bottom of the video, one of which is remove ads, which becomes skip ads when an ad plays. You will still get ads, but you'll be able to instantly skip them all without setting off their adblock detector. (Ps, to get the bar in fullscreen, set it to bottom of window)

Huh I might try some ytenhancer only sessions to keep a eye on how bad eds have been getting without having to waste my time

Yet, I've not gotten any of these messages on Chrome + uBlock Origin so far.

They are probably hitting people in waves, in an effort to make sure this isn't a surge, then a massive protest like the Unity situation.

But once google realizes they'll have to burn serious money and make their product worse on the global stage to fix the problem, they'll quit just like Microsoft, AOL, and Netscape.

But I think this campaign is just there to loosen the people who installed an ad-block, but have no idea what an ad-block is.

Which will be different from the people who know about "alternate methods," and will easily slip the google net unnoticed.

It's more like field testing the change than managing backlash. They go somewhat hand-in-hand, but the intention Google has is mainly to reduce false positives.

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My family watches several Youtube channels on the main HTPC. It had Chrome for them to use, as that is what the kids and my wife are familiar with from school/ work. Then this BS started. I use Firefox on my personal PC and have yet to have a problem.

So I dumped Chrome off of the HTPC.

It would be amusing if Chrome lost a ton of market share to Firefox and other browsers.

It won't. We are an extreme minority who really have the know-how to get around this. The majority will just give in and subscribe.

This is what happened with Netflix. Everyone thought that Netflix would lose subscribers with the crackdown on password sharing. On the contrary, they gained subscribers and is bringing even more revenue:

In other words, the general population likes to be used by companies and really don't give a shit as long as they can watch videos.

not so much that they like to be used by companies, but that they don't care enough to change or learn how to stop it. for most people, the idea of giving up their favorite online service because of ads or whatever other predatory anti consumer shit it implements is a little extreme.

as long as it works, the vast majority of people who are not tech-literate will just use it regardless.

Most people sell their time and personal information (including deeply personal stuff) dirt cheap.

In other words, the general population likes to be is okay with being used by companies and really don't give a shit as long as they can watch videos.

I hate that you're right. Not because of you, but because the situation is ridiculous.

Not quite.
If users see thry need to invest more brain power in tech than plugging a cable in and pressing the power button, they will either give up or ask tech literate folk. They are like an extreme toddler with tech.
You wouldn't expect a toddler to write a speech

No but I would expect a toddler to learn new things.

Not all wants to learn more (sadly)

I can understand the viewpoint, learning something new requires time to be invested, time that one may want to spend on something else.

Lmao you all are so cringy. The general population sees it as a value proposition that makes sense for them.

Three persons sharing one user profile vs just paying for Netflix myself, I don't feel used.

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Blocking ads on YouTube is kind of like eating meat. It can't quite be morally justified, but I'm still guilty of it.

Currectly I'm updating uBlock 3 times a day to keep up with YouTube's detection algorithms, so I'm obviously willing to go to great lenghts to block ads, but after it gets difficult enough, I'll most likely just give in and get a subscribtion. It's by far the most valuable streaming service for me, yet I've used it (ad)free for more than 15 years. If now is the time they say enough, then fine. It was good while it lasted. I don't think that ads-based bussines model is the way to go anyways, so perhaps I should practice what I preach. Currenltly I'm only paying for Spotify and one podcast.

If competiton comes along that's even one tenth as good, I'm perfectly willing to jump ship, though. Google has lost my trust.

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this is an issue. whole family can use netflix etc with one payment. if you have separate youtube accounts (everyone has their own subs etc) you all need individual youtube premium accounts so you can watch ad free. it's stupid (I'm ignoring why yt premium isn't a good idea anyway unless you use yt music)

edit: I see there is a family plan. my bad

I use Chrome on my work laptop and Firefox on my personal computron and I either get the pop-up on both devices or not at all.

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Sharing this: don't know why this works, but my dad found refreshing the cache in UBlock makes this thing finally shut the fuck up.

It updates Ublocks filters. They are updating those as YouTube changes things. Ublock has worked flawlessly on firefox YouTube for me so far. I have not even seen the popup once.

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Freetube has been a great alternative for me. While it still doesn't have tabs, I just figured out earlier today that middle clicking opens the link or video to a new window.

I’ve been using free tube for about a month now and been really happy.

My only downsides are that I use it on multiple comps, and like to watch YouTube on my tv as well, and by freetubes very nature, those don’t sync subs/history etc. which is expected of course.

The other bummer for me personally is I did really like the YouTube algorithms suggestions for me, so it’s a little harder for me to find new creators now.

But all in all, minor issues for some completely free software that works well and does what it says it’ll do! Would absolutely suggest people at least give it a try!

Yeah, honestly that’s the main blocker for me. For all of the hate it gets, I had the YouTube algorithm pretty well-tuned to what I liked.

Wish there was something like freetube that would still preserve views/ suggestions.

I have had free tube very loosely recommend me some related videos, but nothing like the full feed yet.

I wonder if they could somehow make a section of like “videos that are not from your subs, but would be recommended under your subs videos” to explore other creators with similar content.

No idea if you can scrape that kinda info from YouTube without all the account stuff though.

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Honestly, if YouTube offered a $5 adfree video plan I’d pay for it. It’s not worth $14/month in my opinion

I think these companies are starting to run into the brick wall caused by disgusting wealth inequality and the subsequent inability to spend as frivolously as needed for a healthy economy.

Also just coming to the realization that advertising on the internet has always been done atrociously (not that RL advertising is any better but at least follows some kind of structure and isn't thrown in your face repeatedly) and that a large swath of people do not want to deal with it or interact with it.

Rather than fix something that is clearly broken, they'd rather double down, throw money at it and make it more of a problem than admit they need to reign it in and put some common sense and sanity checks on how advertising should take place online.

Its product life cycle in their eyes came to the phase of "cash cow" . They are milking what was built in past untill there's anything left. It was same with gaming industry. It seems inevitable once company reaches certain size (not in people count sense). That's why we need alternative to keep things good for users.

The majority of Internet ads are ableist. I have ADHD and they're too distracting.

That's the YouTube Premium Lite plan that they killed off less than a month ago.

Youtube would profit off of $2 a month the fact that they need to charge 14 is just greed

How did you compute that?

According to the latest reports, over 2.70 billion people worldwide use YouTube per month.

This was 2022 and there is conflicting figures, most of which are 2 billion to 2.8 billion regular users (regular use of at least once a week, most daily.)

Google has claimed youtube costs 5 billion a year to run back in 2019 but has never put out a solid figure or statement to the public, Entourage Marketing & Design did research in 2019 but the article seems to be down as I can't locate the actual source. This could be inaccurate today but all information I've seen points to it still being single digit billions to operate year to year.

If these figures are accurate, 2USD from their claimed regular users would put them near their break even point without even considering income from advertisers or other investors and business opportunities. If they really did intend for every adult youtube user (roughly 80% of their audience) to pay them 14USD a month, that's still over five times their operating costs alone.

Clearly, youtube is getting a lot more money from advertisers then they are from premium users, which is why they are trying to make the free to use option on their website so awful and unbearable that people will pay them directly to skip the ads (though rumblings have been going around at them finding ways to insert ads into premium user viewing experience as well.) And since the advertising side is so toxic and predatory they can tell when people are using ad blockers to avoid it, it reports back they aren't watching ads and thus tries to prevent people from utilizing the service entirely until their participation generates money for youtube.

Fuck that shit. They'd just increase it gradually until it hit 80$. They also don't care about the user experience playing shit ads that are some times horrific (like the recent Israel propaganda ads with war, or 1 hr + ads, or salacious ads). They also inject the ads at the worst possible spots. They should give creators that control but fuck them.

Don't give Youtube or Google that option. This is what they want. They are ruining the internet further.

That's way too expensive. I guess regional pricing did me good because here it costs an equivalent of $3.75 (RM 17.90). That much for Premium + Music ain't no way I'm not taking it.

Spotify costs $3.35 (RM 15.90).

I cancelled Spotify and use YouTube for music and videos now so it's worth $14 to me. Just loaded all my Spotify playlists into YTM. Interface isn't as good as other music apps, but it has a pretty insane catalog, especially for stuff like remixes and bootlegs

I'd pay €1 a month. Max. If only 50 million people did the same, they'd make 50 million per month. Must be more than they make now from ads....

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Ublock Origin Settings - Clear Cache - Update - Refresh Youtube

This arms race sucks.

It's a matter of who gets tired quicker at this point, YouTube, ublock maintainers, or users. We're on the losing side, and alternative front ends sound like the "we're cornered" solution. I imagine Google won't take long to break them as well.

the engineers won't get tired, they are paid not to. Not to say that people shouldn't try to evade it. This is super predatory but understandable cause of its income model.

The engineering managers will get tired of spending their budget on something that produces no return on investment. Google has no attention span for anything.

The engineering managers get directed by corporate executives to implement a feature like this. If the engineering manager resists or protests they won't be meeting there kpi target. there are plenty of other people to fill the role.

A feature like this can get approval to be worked on, but what’s harder to defend is spending money on it every quarter when there won’t be any tangible benefit to point towards.

Google will get bored and move on to the next shiny thing to juice revenues.

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how much money do you think yt is losing to ubo, and how much does it cost for yt to keep updating the code? financially it may not be worth it.

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I'm glad, uBlock Origin blocks all these adblock blockers.

It doesn't. This is being rolled out to all users. Eventually you will have to clear cash every time you want to watch YouTube with Ublock Origin.

Good point! Clearing cache on exit is my firefox' default setting. Do recommend!

Developer singlehandedly overthrowing corporation's decisions is my type of shit

A reminder that if this doesn't work, they'll bake ads into the player like Hulu and Twitch. Can't block those, at least in a way that gets you back to the content seemlessly.

then we'll just do a sponsorblock type solution which skips over the ad

Only solutions I've seen stop the ad from appearing but not the 2 minute break it forces on you.

We are totally gonna get DVRs back, aren't we 🤣?

You can still cheese by both of those methods without issue.

Literally they'll do it anyways, imput or not.

I knew Google would get around to killing YouTube sooner or later: Looks like the slow death has begun.

Like all things Google that people like: It must die, Google will not allow it to live.

Coming to you in 2025: GoogleTube, brought to you by Alphabet!

there's enough people mindlessly consuming content off the site via mobile or tv, or are clueless about adblockers to begin with, youtube will continue to exist and be profitable even if every adblocking user never visited the site again.

Until alternatives take off because the user experience becomes increasingly shitty. You really think Google isn't going to ratchet up the ads over time?

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This pop up, did more to curb my youtube addiction than any other app.

You can put up with that... Or you could just switch to a Piped instance and be done with it all.

Piped is great, the content goes through a proxy so there's no interaction with YouTube servers and your account and subscriptions are also isolated.

So wait how does that work? Are you still using your YouTube account on Piped or is it something else?

You can of course export your yt subscriptions as a CSV file and import them into Piped, and you can also use a difference instance to host your account/data as the one you're using to stream the content. Did I mention built-in sponsorblock support and native apps like LibreTube?

How is that "legal" though? Will it not be harassed by Google at some point to turn it down?

It's not illegal, but maybe against YT terms of service. I've seen reports that google is starting to IP ban piped instances.

I'm taking it with a grain of salt anyway, as I haven't read any first hand accounts. And it would be interesting to see if google really is banning IPs, even ones in aws/azure/linode/gcp(lol)/etc IP blocks.

I just clear the YT sites' cookies, relog in and it disappears. I use AdNauseam and uBlock Origin and still got this.

If they weren't so intrusive with the garbage ads (I hate publicity, over 95% of it is condescending and/or lies), I wouldn't mind seeing an ad in the beggining, or even also an additional in the middle of a long video, but getting two unskippable ads in the beggining and one every 5 mins or less is abusive. So fuck you Google.

Going to install a local instance of Piped or Invidious.

What could come of people clicking on the “Report issue” option and sending back tons of false reports claiming that they have gotten the pop-up message despite not using an ad-blocker?

i gave feedback that basically said "fuck you. fuck this. this is exactly how you generate bad will."

It asked me to include a screenshot of the page and highlight areas of the image to draw attention to them, so I sent a screenshot similar to the one in this post and highlighted every use of the word “ads”. I also sardonically lauded false praise of the site and its advertisements in the written reply.

Maybe those Google accounts would get banned? Probably not worth it.

You WILL give us your attention and you will like it! -advertisers

Me with adhd: attention? What's that?

I know this is a joke but like, seriously, I really believe most internet ads (maybe most ads period) are ableist because of this.

I have to get all notifications and alerts set up just fucking right because of they happen too often my brain filters them out. If they never happen then obviously I miss them. I have to very carefully tweak everything around me.

I literally stopped this post mod sentence to do something else. I don't remember what it is but I'm back now. My life is a living hell sometimes and ads are fucking shit.

Watching is mandatory. Violators will be fined 500 credits.

Like the Black Mirror episode "Fifteen Million Merits".

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It's revanced / gray Jay time

I pay for YT premium, but downloaded GrayJay yesterday. one thing I noticed is even when signed into YT, and having the plug-in slider checked to report usage my History is not getting updated.

I primarily watch YT so I actually don't mind paying for it. YTM is also my primary streaming music, but I like what Louis and Futo are doing. I also installed their voice app which works damn good. The only downside is I haven't found a good privacy aware foss keyboard that is 'ok' and has swipe typing. I swipe enough that it's annoying. (gboard won't allow you to switch to a different voice-text app)

Update ublock filters.

I did, but after the 3 videos, it's no longer a pop-up that can be removed, it doesn't load the video at all. Annoying as fuck. I use incognito mode as a workaround currently.

Update filters and clear your cache and cookies for Resolves it for me.

Everyone should always clear their cookies and cache after each session, with a whitelist of course.

you very likely have another extension that youtube is detecting. I had to disable enhancer and then I stopped getting the popup

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While uBlock Origin does the trick and has for a every long time, I just installed FreeTube and I am quite happy with it. It is also much better at keeping track at what I have watched, and I can even mark videos as watch (which I cannot over at YouTube).

Currently with Firefox uBlock and am getting no pop-ups for three days now (this after pop-up nags with a five-second delay).

Not saying you are not having trouble, but I think this is a fight YouTube is going to lose.

I think they are A/B testing to see how people react. I have gotten pop-ups and my coworker wasn't getting them while having the same IP address. I haven't gotten the "x videos left" popup yet. I think it'd be pretty easy for youtube to make ad blocking very hard; they're just testing the waters right now.

Start reporting it as an issue. I wonder what'll happen if enough people abuse the "report an issue" system.

They'll probably be ignored for abusing the report system.

It probably goes into a log system anyway and gets ignored

Vimeo wringing their hands thinking this is their chance.

Vimeo literally charges money from creators per video and per TB of bandwidth to host their video.

YouTube hosts for free, and actually pays creators money, to the point where many people have made their careers.

Nobody is switching from YouTube to Vimeo.

Vimeo seems to have a different demographic in mind.

Not only demographic but a whole different model that very few companies use unless their content breaks YT guidelines. That's the punchline.

I see nothing wrong with Google wanting to make money on YouTube, and I actually own YouTube Premium myself.

But they should really fix YouTube experience, if you don't use subscriptions box, your main page will be filled with click-baity low-effort videos and that really sucks. There are also other issues as well.

That is true. I hate Shorts and have to block it via uBlock filters. Also, I hate their mobile app. I can't select a precise app wide video quality. There are only two options: High and Low in the settings. I need to go to Advanced settings upon playing each video to manually set a precise video quality, say 720p. This experience is sub par and below what NewPipe used to provide. I mainly use YouTube Music as a service but they bundle YouTube Premium for little onto it.

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What's realistically the closest to YouTube today? Like Lemmy, small acorns need bigger communities 😁 Slow, but it'll happen. It's also not a bad thing to have people used to switching platforms every x amount of years. That aside, does a VPN work, or Newpipe?

I'm in EU, not getting any ads yet on Firefox or Newpipe.

Depends on how you consider several subjective factors, including political, economical, technological and ownership/control.

Closest to lemmy might be TILvids (Today I Learned videos) →

They use Peertube protocol (FOSS), are sustained by donations (patreon), and there is a few big FOSS influencers there already, like the french developer from The Linux Experiment.

There is a few corporations that are pretty much national versions of youtube, like Nikoniko (Japan), Rutube (Russia), VK (Russia), Bilibili (China), Aparat (Iran) etc that would be nice if they were competitors cause they already have all the infrastructure in place to receive everything in youtube in one swop if we neeeded, but alas they obviously will not be taken. (sorry nikoniko)

There is some minor corporations like Odysee, Rumble, Dailymotion, Vimeo. But they are still private profit-driven corporations, so they can go the youtube way eventually. There is some rumours that Tiktok might launch a separate app and site for youtube-style videos too, but again, it is another private corporation and controversial.

The scale of capital needed for video hosting is several orders of magnitude bigger than text and images, this is why youtube became a de facto monopoly on most parts of the world. There is several text-driven social media sites, including this one, but only one big youtube.

Peertube is a federated YouTube clone, like Lemmy to Reddit, or Mastodon to Twitter.

The only problem with peertube is the lack of monetisation for creators. In fact creators are more likely to have to donate to keep the platform up, especially considering it has not ads. Meaning it's kind of the exact opposite of YouTube

The only way for it to work even remotely like YouTube would be some kind of donation revenue split - any excess revenue not used to keep the platform going goes to the creators of the videos.*

I guarantee with a video platform like that the amount creators could potentially not get much if not anything, as hosting videos is often a few times more expensive than hosting even just pictures.

Peertube only really makes sense as a self hosted archive, just in case you get banned off YouTube or want to archive your streams. That or a platform for not-for-profits to post their video content.

There are a fair number of YouTube creators who post ad-free versions of their content on Nebula. I think I got Nebula as part of a curiosity stream sub which last I checked was pretty cheap compared to the other streaming services.

Nebula is the closest but it's paid and it's pretty hard for content creators to be invited to join. Next closest is Peertube, which NewPipe works with very well

The EU stepped in, they have to remove it in Europe. Not sure about America though...

Can you provide a source?

Under Article 5(3) of 2002/58/EC YouTube are legally obligated to obtain consent before storing or accessing information already stored on an end user's terminal equipment unless it is strictly necessary for the provisions of the requested service.

In 2016 the EU Commission confirmed in writing that adblock detection requires consent.

None of my devices (all firefox with ublock) have had any issues with ads on youtube...yet.

I was the same. Reading all these Lemmy posts thinking "with my Firefox and uBlock I'm still cruising YouTube ad free" until last night when I finally saw this. Refreshing the filter list on uBlock does the trick but it sucks that it requires closing all your tabs. There were so many things I queued up that I was never going to get to, now I don't even know what they were!

I could've bookmarked the tabs into a single tab folder and then restored them once I refreshed? Yeah I don't care that much, but I do do that on occasion.

Haven't seen them yet. Old uBlock, Russia, Linux. They haven't put ads in videos since 03.2022 for obvious reasons, so there's an unique rule created for us.

Maybe it's something of use for you all, to curcumvent it. Not via VPN tho, probs, as our local feed is a digital cancer. Opening it from a new PC is like nothing else.

Haven't seen this in Romania either. Must be a country by country rollout.

You can set the region in the settings. This way you should not get country specific recommendations.

You should, but these can be two different columns in a dataset. Geoloc, IPs, installed languages, choosen options, history etc. A lot of harvested valuables.

My freetube is working just fine. I wonder what would happen to invidious.

Insidious works fine, no change, I just installed it yesterday. Only downside is the max 1080p quality.

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I wrote a basic script with chatgpt which downloads the latest videos from a list of channels kept in a text files, straight to jellyfin.

Still testing, but seems to be working fine so far.

The day youtube blocks adblock for me they will be removed from my bookmarks to never return.

But we’l see if it actually happens because while Netflix has been nagging. I have continued to be able to share an account so far.

Open the extension settings, purge the filter lists and then update them all. I was getting warnings and I did this, and I haven't had any further warnings.

Grayjay. I'll just say that much. If you know Revanced, this will be up your alley.

in ublock origin: purge cache -> update -> reload tabs/restart browser

youtubes reacting to bypass it.

I've done that almost every day and still getting the pester messages, even used element picker to filter it out and its only gone for a few hours at best.

Google is really throwing comically large amount of weight at this issue, that only exists cause they dont police their own fucking ads.

I haven't had any problems with ublock after I started getting blocked after I followed those steps whenever it comes back.

adguard desktop loaded with anti-adblock killer!

Sorry I have tourette's syndrome. I can't help but scream the names of random software sometimes.

For those on Android, workaround might be Rossman's new app (the guy fixing Apple PCs). Promise seem kinda alternative NewPipe app but with platforms (e.g.YouTubes) algoritms, following creators across different platform and possibility to log in to your accounts.

It has opensource plugins capabilities so if it gets popular it might keep growing and living from comunity support as well.

I'm not affiliated with that. I'm also yet the app. This is not add. AFAIK app is not monetized at this point.

On Android it's simple, patched with YouTube ReVanced Manager

I understand but app allows you to move from YouTube entirely if your fav content created release videos else where and in the future to support creators directly.

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This made me switch to Invidious. Farewell YouTube.

How is it a farewell if you're still consuming Youtube content? Only exodus of consumers from the platform will prompt content creators to look for a different platform and maybe, MAYBE, force google to rethink. If you don't like their practices, move off the platfrom, not just change the client.

Search for "quick fix" in the filters tab and update that. You have to do it atleast twice a day to keep up with YouTube updating their end but that's the only thing that's working for me. That and disabling all other adblockers including Firefox's.

Vinegar app for Safari on iOS/iPadOS/MacOS has a very clever feature that’s called “switch to ad skipping”. It basically deceives YouTube by telling it you watched the ads and the videos load perfectly.

Also, UBlock Origin on Firefox’s been doing an excellent job at removing ads from YouTube.

Are there any ad blockers that currently support blocking the popup?

Fully updated filters on Ublock work. Make sure to purge caches and then click update now on the filter lists page. It's also recommended to clear any user specific rules you have for YouTube.

Don't forget to disable Firefox anti-tracking

uBlock Origin still works fine. You just need to make sure you're following these instructions

I used ublock to block the popup by using the pick function, but I have not run into this 3 flags your out popup yet, so depends on how they disable the video I guess. I'll try to report back.

Man I hate YouTube so much by this point, and had even before this anti adblock thing due to their mobile apps never working properly on any of my devices, mobile website basically made the clunkiest experience possible (to force people into using the app?) and desktop site being just so damn heavy. Would totally completely move to federated alternatives if not the 20 years of YT exclusive content that won't ever be reuploaded elsewhere. It's not even like a social network or a forum where you minutely talk to someone about something, get a response and then forget forever, it sadly grew a lot bigger than that

I unfortunately have a youtube addiction but I have canceled my subscription and will be using proper adblocking at home and alternatives like piped on mobile.

worth checking out It's new, but comes from Futo/Louis Rossman. It's in alpha/beta right now but the concept is pretty neat. Think of it as the Pigeon/Trillian of instant messengers. (do need android I believe)

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I've started transitioning to Odysee. It's like YT but less evil.

looking at it, it seems pretty good

usually i use invidious on a pc and revanced on android

i already had revanced on most of my devices but i put it on my main phone too after getting this bs

There are some not so obvious right wing propaganda videos on there fyi.

Yeah, better to stay on Youtube and Reddit and Xitter, where there's no propaganda. Odysee's content range might accommodate the moderate centre better if people started using it. And we can't have that!

For now I didn't see anything on Firefox and Librewolf, but who knows how long that can go on. I guess I have to just wait and see.

...and get used to Invidious in the meanwhile.

Not exactly an original opinion but I hate this. I watch ads on my Roku app, I watch them on the mobile app, can't they just let it go on web browser? This just wreaks of greed

Every report i've passed claims yt is running in the reds for years, assuming this is true i can understand it.

But i'm still very happy adblock works for me on pc, the ads i get on tv are too many, too often.

Sometimes you have a product that's a loss leader to hold marketshare instead

I can't imagine adblockers are really that big of a deal, it's just Google trying to get revenue off the 0.1% of people who use them

Also a lot of times revenue continues to grow while the company also has a good reason to believe the costs will result in more revenue in the future so they operate in the red with good reason to believe they'll profit. It's weird seeing such big companies do this though. It's usually a thing with startups.

Am I the only one who thinks "Allowlisted" is a seriously stupid term? Why, pray tell, can't we use name of a colour anymore?

And no, I won't Caucasianlist YouTube, ever.

Eh, I'm not a huge fan of fixing deep societal issues with quick lazy rebranding of words either, but I do admit that AllowList / BlockList is much clearer in intent than Whitelist / Blacklist is.

GreenList and RedList might also work, but I agree there's nothing more clear to what you're blocking or allowing than a BlockList and AllowList. As clunky as it sounds at first.

Some chrome user problems 😏

It's not chrome-specific unfortunately

Not only chrome though. A few friends of mine use firefox amd have been hit with this bs as well

Chrome user. Force update ublock to the latest. It's easy to do. I don't see this pop up about adblock.

This happened to me, I just pressed F5 and just watching

Yeah, this worked for me too

I have enhancer for youtube extension for firefox and I get to just cross it off

I'm pretty sure enhancer was one of the adblocks YouTube could detect. Uncheck that option and install ublock origin when you've got the chance.

Just saw the "will be blocked after 3 videos" for the first time" (I was only seeing the generic warning so far). Updated filters and it went away.

I recently stumbled upon this post; seems like filing a complaint to said entity is something you can do if you're in the EU. I haven't done so yet, but I plan to. The fella over there has even provided the text he's sent. If what is said is true and it's indeed illegal for YouTube to show such prompts (and if that entity receives enough complaints), they might be forced to withdraw them (unless they're using some legal loophole already).

The complaint won't work. He doesn't know what method YouTube is using to detect an adblock and there are dozens of non invasive methods to do so.

That too. There's. New dystopian Rayman universe show on Netflix rn.

What happen if you simply use opera or brave? The default anti tracking functionality normally triggers these protections, it blocks you just for browsing a certain browser? Without even having any adblock plugin

So far, opera, firefox, vivaldi brave's ad blockers both with ublock origin have been blocking ads without getting any popup for me.

I gave up and got premium. It actually works out because we've cancelled Disney+ and Paramount+ and switched from the Spotify family plan to the Youtube Premium family plan and we're saving money, but I'm annoyed that I've resorted to this.

I actually don't mind subscription services in general. I would rather pay a monthly fee and not get any ads.

The issue is of course with Google is that your subscription cost is not only the money you pay per month. You're also giving them your data and many YouTubers end up putting ads inside their videos anyways.

Really what we need is a sort of Peertube service with a model that uses ads and optional subscription service (to remove ads) to generate revenue.

This revenue would first pay for all expenses to run the service and then the remainder be split between all content creators relative to how many views or subscribers each content creator manages get.

The issue with current Peertube is that video hosting is expensive. Video hosting at scale is even more so. However, with enough subscribers the math starts to even out. I don't know at what # this becomes viable.

Open source and transparent services ran by non-profits

I would be more than happy to pay a subscription for this. I donate regularly to lichess and Wikipedia for this reason. We need to support these projects because they're the only viable path forward, I believe, that doesn't end in inevitable enshittification.

many YouTubers end up putting ads inside their videos anyways

Sponsorblock plugin for firefox?

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I found I could visaully block the pop up and use keyboard controls to still play a video. It did break navigating the page though because while I couldn't see it popup it was still there.

I just got blocked by YouTube on LibreWolf today but not Firefox. The ad blocking related extensions I have are uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger and Malwarebytes. After 15 minutes of resetting uBlock Origin settings, I've decided to try turning them off one by one, I found that it was Malwarebytes that triggered it. Even when I whitelisted Youtube but it didn't work, I have to disable the extension to fix it. It looks like it isn't YouTube don't want you using adblocks, it's YouTube don't want you to block scams and malwares.

I'm unable to watch any video despite uBlock instructions thing.

I was in your same position until I realized updating ublock and updating the filter list arw two different tasks. The filter lists are in ublock settings and after updating those I've had no problems

I’m able to play videos on my Samsung S9 with Firefox running with ublock. I never got a message.

I had this too, only thing that worked was clearing cookies and site data of YouTube, then logging in again. Another browser on the same account with the same uBlock settings worked the whole time, so I guess it's "device" bound not account bound. Since the cookie purge I don't even get the AdBlock warnings anymore.

To be fair it is how they make their money.

Yeah, but do they need more money? It's ruining their product.

ehh, youtube is barely profitable, you can tell when it is because they make a big stink about it being profitable! in investor stuff. and then they go quiet the next year.

google absolutely doesn't need more money, but youtube doesn't really make money. also creators struggle more to get paid these days. I don't really think googles solution here is the right one, it'll just drive people away. But getting free stuff forever, and never watching an ad, in this case just hurts small content creators

google will go on even if youtube shuts down.

They could restructure executive pay and be more profitable. Throwing ads in it seems like the lazy way to turn a profit, but it IS Google and that IS what they do.

whilst I would normally be in agreement with this kind of thing, youtube is just one of those services that is incredibly expensive to run. over 500 hours of content are uploaded to youtube every minute, all of which needs to be re-encoded to multiple formats and resolutions, and then served on a super wide CDN - as well as all the other 500 hours of content uploaded every minute for the past decade

They could cut every youtube exec to 0 pay and it wouldn't make a dent in the costs

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I'd say that the monetization is what hurts small content creators.

Content creators ought to make videos to present their ideas using visual and audio when that is the best media to do so. However most just make videos to make money.

Small content creators who don't monetize their content don't get shown. Instead it's all clickbait through and through to get those nickels.

I watched all the ads when they started. I installed an adblocker when the ads became more of a nuisance than a short break. It is always a service problem always.

I think the problem here is that the ads you saw earlier weren't bringing in enough money. Let's not forget that the model here is tv which has several minutes of ads every ten to fifteen minutes. A single 15 second skippable ad doesn't really make it work out.

Realisticly I just don't think the ad supported model works anymore, but also people won't pay, you went from ad supported to blocking instead of paying at least.

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If they don't make money, YouTube will get shut down, and we'll lose the archive of past videos.

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