
2 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Foss addict with a knack of forgetting to learn how to code

Unfathomably based

Imagine having to blow your instrument

this comment was made by percussion gang

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We're going to be seeing a lot of these. Until people decide on which fork gets to be 2zu, don't expect anything from these.

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Today was a good day because I minorly inconvenienced someone

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Lmao they removed their somewhat unique award system with charm and replaced it with colored arrows

Someone got turned on by this

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So the reason reddit struggled to develop a decent app is... because of server costs?

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Once again, privacy-disrespecring discord is nuking things to keep its own ass safe. FOSS devs, when will you ever learn?

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It's revanced / gray Jay time

It also prevents credit cards

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These people smile like they've never rode in an airplane with more than 3 people

Good, let these two horrible browsers fill eachother with bloat until they both fall out.

I will not federate with any meta products

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American thing

Not in my town, but they're not hard to find literally anywhere in the US

Ryujinx and panda3ds didn't sell their emulators.

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Because cars clearly do not need to stand up to rain, like that ever happens anywhere...

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Try stabbing mario and watch him shrink

I never really found a use for this. Do people really need so many tabs open they have to sort them?

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These guys are way too optimistic for the dumpster fire right in our eyes..

Never seen you before. Guess we have a free fact checker bot now!

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Removing the /j, a lot of modern media really does push on that sex drive.

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Fried sushi is good too, but this....

No, levono commissioned this and two others. I will be honest, they don't look half bad in comparison to most modern fashion

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He wants to outdo the rest of the fediverse in features and users and then centralize bluesky and/or defederate from mastodon and others so that they can essentially attempt to kill off the fediverse.

Bluesky isn't twitter federated. Bluesky is the death of federation.

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I just want to skip mornings. Can I just sleep till noon on a daily basis, please?

Furry cocks fucking corporate mascots

As long as meta isn't instantly defederated, and as such I guess I should switch to an instance that will defederate simply to keep ads away.

"No! Mechanics that make lower tier players closer to high tier players shouldn't exist!

Try rotating the tire cover to solve the problem

Smart move honestly, long as they don't monetize it

You thlammed your thenis in the car door?

Just because they said it doesn't mean the new use of the code has the same purpose. Perhaps this fork can claim to be for homebrew apps, for example.

Furry Try not to hack some random government organization challenge

I was born at 90 years old

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A rare instance of... unshittification?

Just remember to look for the shiny / wet one

That's the one you grab

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I DON'T want the fediverse to grow if that growth is full of extremists, hate groups, porn bots, etc.

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Real answer: too lazy to port / not worth enough to port

Holy pastry!

I would gladly wear the exoskeleton thing, maybe wear the sensory canceling thing, and carry the poncho in some sort of box for camping.