Mozilla Firefox is Working on a Tab Grouping Feature to – 685 points –

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I never really found a use for this. Do people really need so many tabs open they have to sort them?

I look up a lot of things and sometimes one page doesn't fully answer it so you need to do extra research, then you end up 40 tabs deep in the history of it and it all ties back to each other.

Also programming, that also requires a crap load of tabs.

The stackoverflow has a stack overflow.

I thought you only needed one: chatGPT.

If only chatgpt was that good, it can help point you in the right direction, but it will either use deprecated code or start hallucinating things, it is only a tool.

I think I have five browser containers across three devices with dozens of tabs on each. I don't sort them. Autocomplete from the omnibox usually gives an option to jump to the tab I need.

I usually always have between 20 and 40 tabs open, but I’ve seen a few people in forums complaining that some add-ons would crash because those individuals had hundreds or even over a thousand tabs open simultaneously.

It may be a little niche, but I’d bet plenty of people will use it. I’m in the middle of a personal research project, and it would make things so much easier for me. I’m currently grouping my tabs by having multiple windows open…

I mentioned it in my reply to this comment, but Simple Tab Groups is a pretty solid alternative in Firefox.

Its not quite as elegant as the built-in Chrome ones, but it does make it easy to have a bunch of groups sorted out that you can flip between.

I use it on a regular basis and while it is great to have it, its not on a level where I want it to be. I am very excited about this announcement

Different people have different ways of working. Some people are accustomed to having a million tabs open, others can’t stand it.

My use case is probably a bit more niche but I have Memory Impairment and bookmarks don't work that well for me. I'm a very organised person and did previously use things like bookmarks extensively. But since my memory has gotten really bad I need more visual representations. Visual bookmarks could kinda work for this but I am yet to find something that's private, easy to set up (or just works out of the box) and isn't fiddly to use. Bookmarks that aren't visual, don't stay in my memory so I forget about them. Search bar helps a bit but sometimes I also can't think of the right words to use to get Firefox to bring up the right bookmark (even with extensive keywords - because I also can't always think of the right keywords to set).

So I have heap of tabs open. I need things to stay in my recent memory and recent use, otherwise they just get forgotten. It does mean over time more and more tabs get left open. But I do fairly regular sort throughs where I go through each tab to make sure it's something unimportant where I've just forgotten to close the tab or something I am actually using/working on.

It's not ideal but it's the only thing that works for me right now. I have so many things going on at once, it sucks that I have to remember so much at once when I have memory issues but such is life when disabled folks aren't properly supported, lack of volunteers means I have to take more volunteer work that I should, western society sucks for supporting parents, and sexism means that I'm still default parent (mother) despite my husband being more progressive than most hsubands/dads are (he's also woefully disorganised which is in part just him and also in part how boys and men are socialised). Anyway, this isn't meant as a commentary on the differences in organisations levels and how that affects tab usage between mothers and fathers lol.

Generally, its not that I have too many tabs as much as I have some tabs I leave open all the time and want to condense down a bit.

For example, at work I use Chrome for my main web work, and FF for my... uh... shit like this. So I have a bunch of Chrome tabs open that I know I'll have to make changes to again in the future, so they stay open. I also have 'projects' which contain a bunch of pages that are all related to each other. Being able to group those together and collapse makes it easy to quickly get back into them when someone wants a small, insignificant (sorry, extremely important!) change to them that needs to be done yesterday, and I can eventually just throw the group away once the project is mostly complete and not going to be touched by human hands ever again (until a year later, when it suddenly becomes a critical problem for someone, and thus a problem for me... I'm not complaining, you're complaining).

At home, I mainly use Firefox. I have an extension that allows me to have tab groups, but its not as nice looking as the built-in Chrome version (Simple Tab Groups, which is actually quite nice, but not as pretty as the Chrome ones). I have a group for my usual fucking around stuff (Discord, YT, Kbin, DIM (Destiny app), wiki for whatever other game I'm playing), a tab for my streaming stuff (which I don't use often, but as I have a few container tabs for logging in to my brother's account for a handful. I like to just leave those open so I don't have to worry about it), and a group for my "working from home" stuff like email/OneDrive and a smaller amount of pages I always keep open because I'm always editing them for work.

So all in all, I don't have like a hundred tabs open at any given time, and I could make due with just having them all bookmarked and open them as need be... but honestly, that's a bit of a hassle and would also either leave me with a ton of useless bookmarks after a month or two, or require me to curate my bookmarks every month or two. Versus just having a tab group I can just kill off once I know I'm done with their work.

Shit I have so many tabs open. Bookmarking is essentially the same as closing them because I'll never find them when I want them let alone remember I bookmarked them. Then I'll head to a search engine to relentlessly try and remember the term I searched for in the first place but not see any visited links or the visited links were the non-helpful sites and the one I want is gone.

After all that I'll just give up and some weeks later find the bookmark I was looking while looking for another non-related bookmark.

Yeah me neither.

ITT it kinda looks like people just leave tabs open as a way to remember where something is, or even as a way to remember that something needs their attention.

There are much better ways, but everyone needs to do their own thing I guess.

The thing about open tabs is that they are already open, I don't need to do anything to put down the note. And I'd usually need to open the site again to continue working - and often other sites as well (that are now also already open in tabs nearby). So I use them even though I kinda hate them. I just wish I could organize them easier.

A fair point.

For me, I get frustrated with more than a few open.

I work in a legal adjacent field. Lots of research, skipping down rabbit holes. For me personally I find it difficult to see why a tab was open because visually they're all very similar. I need to read and remember the context, by which time I've lost the "working data" I had been juggling.

My thoughts and opinions coalesce more quickly if I'm copying & pasting stuff into my notes as I go anyway.

Everyone needs to do their own thing. Mine is not necessarily better.

I have two windows in my main profile and two in a secondary profile. The main profile windows have 83 and 29 tabs open, and the secondary profile has 50 and 38 tabs.

And then more tabs in multiple windows on my tablet (sadly, Firefox still doesn't support multiple windows on iPadOS despite the feature being introduced nearly 5 years ago and all other major browsers supporting it...At this point it's literally the only reason I don't use Firefox as my main browser) and yet more on my phone.

That said, I don't actually use tab groups very much. I currently have just 4 of them, with a total of 19 tabs in them combined.

No not really a need at all, just an alternative to bookmarks imo. Having more than ~ 20 tabs open is a very inefficient way to work imo.

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