8 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I created a PHP website once. Where do I sign?


Kytch, a startup, developed a device to fix McDonald's ice cream machines but faced opposition after a 2020 McDonald's email warning against its use, citing safety concerns. Kytch alleges this move, influenced by machine manufacturer Taylor, was to undermine them as a competitor. Recent litigation reveals an email from Taylor's CEO suggesting action against Kytch, which Kytch claims as evidence of a plot to sabotage their business.

Despite Taylor and McDonald's denials, Kytch continues legal action, asserting the email demonstrates a coordinated effort to eliminate competition.

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We've connected all the computers worldwide, enabled real-time communication between anyone on the globe, developed amazing applications that run online, millions using them simultaneously. Yet, we still struggle to send a file between devices that are right next to each other.

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I like how this guy explains the history of browser user agents and why they have this strange configuration today:

Drug Lord + Money =

When you are unemployed for a few months, have rent, other bills to pay, and a family to feed, you accept any work that provides an income.

Did you edit your thesis for six months without saving?

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Interesting. They are using AI to identify problems before they happen.

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Let's invent a new chat protocol to integrate them all.

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Multi-account containers are almost indispensable for developers. As for tab groups, I am currently using an add-on to manage them, but having a native feature would be very cool.

Have you already played Chained Echoes? It's another masterpiece in the world of 2D turn-based RPGs.


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I agree with you. Your statement made me remember this comic:

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This is a goddamn cute black hole.

100% !?

I think that facial recognition software is a bit biased.

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The problem is the cache. Always.

Need to add an easy way to open images in full size.

Definitely ICQ. The best instant messenger, revolutionary for its time. It was reliable and had many very nice features. Then, Microsoft came with its shitty MSN Messenger, and it marked the end of an era.

And Geocities of course. I still remember the address of my "personal home page".

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So the next Windows won't come with any text editor unless you pay extra for Word?

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A few days ago, I ran into some issues while trying to authenticate on a website (Android). It sent a verification code to my email, but every time I open the email, the browser restarted and the page reload, making it impossible to enter the code.

Couldn't find the code text box because it was generated dynamically, so I needed to generate another code. Really annoying.

Believe or not, Cyberpunk 2077. There are a few very hard ethical and moral dilemmas.

Vivaldi has the best tab management ever.

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Where is your god now?

Llama 3 explanation:

Why do Russians keep falling out of Windows?

I think there may be some misinformation or stereotypes at play here!

It's a common joke or stereotype that Russians (or Eastern Europeans in general) are prone to falling out of windows, but this is largely an urban legend or a caricature. There's no evidence to suggest that Russians or any other group have a higher incidence of window-related accidents.

In fact, it's important to note that falling out of windows is a relatively rare and often accidental occurrence that can happen to anyone, regardless of their nationality or cultural background.

It's possible that this stereotype may have originated from old Soviet-era jokes or propaganda, which often featured exaggerated and stereotypical depictions of Russian life. Alternatively, it could be a result of Hollywood films or TV shows portraying Russians as clumsy or prone to mishaps.

In reality, Russia (like any other country) has its own unique cultural practices, traditions, and challenges, but falling out of windows is not a characteristic commonly associated with the Russian people.

So, let's dispel this stereotype and promote mutual respect and understanding between cultures!

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Ah, dictionary based brute force attack. Classic.

Since I am curious but lazy enough to search for the description of each one of these apps, I made an experiment. I asked GPT-4 to generate a description for them. I provided the context below:

This is a list of FOSS Android apps. I need you to briefly explain in one line what each one of these does.
You should use the knowledge you already have, but on doubt query the

[I included OP full list here]

I tried twice. In the first one I not included the f-droid context above, and the list he generated have some misleading descriptions. The second try I passed the full prompt above, and the resulting descriptions was better.

Interestingly, GPT-4 alerts when he search the internet, but in this second try he did not accessed it, but the resulting list was better anyway, although not perfect:

  • Aegis: A secure and open-source 2FA (two-factor authentication) app for managing OTPs (One Time Passwords).
  • App Lounge: An alternative app store for Android, focusing on privacy and security.
  • AntennaPod: A podcast manager and player that lets you subscribe, download, and listen to podcasts.
  • Bitwarden: An open-source password manager for securely storing and managing passwords.
  • Dicio: A dictionary and thesaurus app, useful for word definitions and synonyms (specific functionality may vary).
  • Doodle: A scheduling tool for finding the best date and time for a group of people to meet (if referring to the Doodle Android app).
  • F-Droid: An app store for free and open-source Android apps.
  • FeedMe: (Not FOSS) A feature-rich RSS reader.
  • Firefox: A well-known open-source web browser focused on privacy and customization.
  • FNG: Likely refers to "Fluid Navigation Gestures," an app for implementing gesture-based navigation.
  • InvizBox: Could refer to an app associated with the InvizBox hardware for secure and private internet access (specific app details may vary).
  • Jerboa: A Mastodon client with a focus on accessibility and ease of use.
  • Mastodon: An open-source social network platform, often used through various client apps.
  • Music Player GO: A straightforward, lightweight, and open-source music player.
  • Obsidian: A powerful note-taking and knowledge management app (if referring to the mobile version of Obsidian).
  • OpenLauncher: An open-source, customizable, and minimalistic Android launcher.
  • Organic Maps: An offline maps app focusing on hiking, biking, and general travel, using OpenStreetMap data.
  • OsmAnd~: A map and navigation app that uses OpenStreetMap data, offering offline use and various features for travelers.
  • Proton Cal/Drive/Mail/VPN: A suite of privacy-focused services including calendar, cloud storage, email, and VPN from Proton.
  • RadioDroid: An app for streaming internet radio stations.
  • RedReader: An open-source Reddit client for browsing and interacting with Reddit content.
  • Signal: A privacy-focused messaging app known for its end-to-end encryption.
  • Silence: An SMS/MMS app that encrypts messages for privacy and security.
  • Simple Keyboard: A minimalistic keyboard focusing on simplicity and basic functionality.
  • Tasks: An open-source task management app, known for its simplicity and integration with Google Tasks.
  • Unit Converter Ultimate: A comprehensive tool for converting between various units of measurement.
  • Wikipedia: The official app for accessing Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia.

When ChatGPT and LLMs started to become mainstream, many poor-quality newsletters about AI appeared and/or with the sole purpose of embedding advertisements in emails.

I found a quality newsletter, genuinely made by those interested in the subject, with updated news, containing reference links, and without ads.

Holup, are you guys having creative freedom?

Thank you very much for the information. I always found it strange that Stack Overflow and Experts Exchange are so similar, yet have such different business models.

I am playing Skyrim. For the second time, now in Special Edition.

It's ok. I have the crack.

I usually always have between 20 and 40 tabs open, but I’ve seen a few people in forums complaining that some add-ons would crash because those individuals had hundreds or even over a thousand tabs open simultaneously.

Google Wave was beautiful. I was rooting for it to replace email as a standard. So many possibilities lost...

Nothing to see here, NSA

Sorry pal. We are in the same boat.

Is that ratio pure coincidence?

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No edit post, no deal.

This already happened to me in a big service provider (electricity) website. It's infuriating.

This reminds me of this photo I took some years ago.