New developer to Programmer – 329 points –


When I was a teenager, I made a page in Word, saved it as html, then uploaded it to geocities. Good times.

Very clever! You need to find the tools you can work with to accomplish your goal.

<.< When I was a teenager (maybe early teens? Idunno, I'm not super old 😅 🧓 ) that's just how we made websites 😹

My friends type up code in Google Docs to do programming homework on the phone while on the bus.

Why not a colab? I think you can use it on mobile

I've tried progamming a bit on the phone, but fuck me with a pineapple, that's an exercise in patience, all the things to make typing on a screen easier will work against you

Const goo =

backspace backspace

const Foo


const foo = obj. Val;.

*deep breaths