
1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Mash 'em, boil 'em, stick 'em in a centrifuge

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

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it is the Ten Commandments' "historical significance, which is simply one of many documents that display the history of our country and foundation of our legal system.”

Alright, so let's put them up right next to the Hammurabi Code, which is also majorly significant to history and our legal system. Maybe highlight the part about how Hammurabi was chosen by the Babylonian gods as the ultimate arbiter of justice.

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I would imagine it's at gunpoint, figuratively or literally.

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Nah, the nakedness was meant to symbolize humanity gaining self-awareness, which separates them from the purity and innocence of other animals. After Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, they realize they're naked and feel instinctively ashamed of that (as most people would, but regular animals wouldn't), so they cover themselves with leaves. In fact IIRC, the fact that they're covering themselves up is what tips off God that they ate the fruit.

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McCarthy reneged on a spending deal he made with Biden, and then refused to even allow a vote on a bipartisan spending bill proposed by the Senate. The only reason he worked with Democrats in the first place (at the eleventh hour, I would add) is because the alternative would have been a government shutdown entirely caused by the GOP -- and he probably still would have lost his job in the end. He's shown himself to be untrustworthy, uncooperative, and spineless when it comes to the MAGA wackos in his party; honestly, the only reasonable choice was to give him the boot.

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The solution to this isn't ostracizing trans people, it's teaching children not be disgusting perpetrators of sexual harassment like you and many you knew.

Lol no one's trying to tell you your experience, they're trying to tell you the experiences reported by everyone else. That's the difference between anecdotal evidence and empirical evidence.

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Do they... they torture them with a rubber horse...?

ETA: Goddammit it says rubber hose

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...driving people to go crazy with demand for the shai-hulussy-shaped vessel.

This can't be legal

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Is that better or worse than explaining that you just orgasmed because you just love playing chess?

I admire the bravery it takes to be so wrong in public like this. You're an inspiration

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I just threw up in my mouth a little

This is a valid point, but to be fair, the majority of Americans didn't vote for Donald Trump

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Who doesn't like going to see a circus?

Save an ox, plow a farmer

I would much rather have a golden retriever as my president

"This thing seems to be true."

"Actually, this thing doesn't seem to be true, and here's why."

"So you don't want this thing to be true, then??"

Maybe now you can see how ridiculous you sound here.

I've always just assumed our particular corner of space is considered the "Florida" of the universe

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If they're getting death threats just for not backing Gym, imagine what would happen if they turned around and voted for a Democrat

An internal browser is a good idea, but in the interim, this problem can be solved by changing your default browser/app settings. You should be able to make it so that any link automatically opens in Firefox, or make it so that clicking on YouTube links prompts you to select which app you'd like to open the link with. Not sure what type of device you're working with, but on Android you can change these settings by going to Settings > Apps > (insert app name here) and looking under the "Defaults" header.

How is this substantively different from the original comment?

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Attitudes like this honestly piss me off more than conservatives. You didn't get the options you wanted, so you decided to just give up, take your ball, and go home. Grow the hell up. We don't quit just because shit looks bleak, we keep on pushing until we can see the sun poking through the clouds, because that is the only way we will ever see it. If we give in to despair now, we will never get there. Even if it seems pointless, or like things aren't getting better, I can guarantee you it can always, ALWAYS be worse. And THAT is your reason to vote.

I'm sorry if that reason isn't as optimistic as you were hoping for, but that's the reality that we live in. And it will never get better if we just bitch about unfairness and bury our heads in the sand. If we want things to get better, we need to make them better. And that starts with you. Please, be better than this. I know you have it in you.

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I'm not pro-Russia by any means but this is some extremely troubling rhetoric

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So this is totally random and unsolicited, but I've seen you around some of the communities I'm in and I noticed you sometimes use slashes to emphasize words (e.g. /actual/). Maybe that's a personal preference, but just in case, I thought I'd let you know that Lemmy supports Markdown formatting, so you can italicize words by wrapping them in asterisks. For example, *actual* becomes actual

Sounds like planes with missing steps

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You could make it run git pop until it clears the whole stash

Dude, I'm literally just saying it's wrong to generalize an entire people as a "cancer." If you seriously can't see the reason in that, I honestly don't know what else to say.

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Had the same thought. We got Roy Cooper here in NC as well

The image won't load for me but given the context I think I'm okay with that

This is art

At this point if I can't find a "Jump to Recipe" button displayed prominently at the top of the page within three seconds of visiting I just nope out and find a less cancerous site

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At least it wasn't pineapple

The author's argument actually seems pretry flimsy to me. If the issue is that it's cruel to make a prisoner an active participant in their own execution, you could easily resolve that by putting them to sleep before applying the nitrogen. Breathing is only voluntary as long as you're awake; once you're asleep, you're no more in control of breathing the nitrogen as you are in control of your heart pumping a lethal injection throughout your body.

Jesus Christ, Son of God Power Jew

Man I'd love to know how to break into the pro circuit of watching porn at work

I love how half of these are just "don't be fucking annoying"

You are a beautiful person. May the wind be ever at your back

The juxtaposition of the fourth and fifth paragraphs here really threw me for a loop

Worked for me too! Thanks a ton!

I've been waiting for this permission slip all my life