2 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Should probably fix that given we've been out of IPv4 for over a decade now and v6 is only becoming more widely deployed

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I refuse to go to sites that do this, I also refuse to go to sites that block adblock...and specially the sites that detect and block private browsing, that one shouldn't even be a thing

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When script kiddies are the new high we've collectively reached a new low

const volatile is used a lot when doing HW programming. Const will prevent your code from editing it and volatile prevents the compiler from making assumptions. For example reading from a read only MMIO region. Hardware might change the value hence volatile but you can't because it's read only so marking it as const allows the compiler to catch it instead of allowing you to try and fail.

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As someone using Wayland I can confirm it's indeed not a hot a mess

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I really wish more projects would use .hpp to differentiate from C headers. It's really annoying to have a single header extension blend across two incompatible languages.

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This is gross. Needs IPv6

From a development perspective it certainly sounds easier to have one global timezone with DST than a bunch of smaller ones without it. Would that make sense in reality? Probably not but I definitely think timezones take more work to compensate for properly.

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Some advice for process parents. Don't be that kinda process that zombifies your children instead of letting them go, it's very annoying and unhealthy. that leads to another annoyance of mine. The insistence that there aren't two languages but indeed one named C/C++. Obviously I'm being a bit sarcastic but people blur the lines HEAVILY and it drives me crazy. Most of the C code I've written is not compatible with least not without a lot of type casting at a bare minimum. Or a compiler flag to disable that. Never mind the other differences. And then there's the restrict keyword, and the ABI problems if the C library you're using doesn't extern C in the headers...etc etc... -_-

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In amd64/x86 kernel space you can dereference null as well. My hobby kernel keeps critical kernel structures there XD.

It's the proprietary driver GPU experience. All the proprietary drivers can leave you hanging like this

No you cannot run any of those WMs, some of those do have ports with varying degrees of completeness but only sway(i3) and hyprland(hypr) are ready for prime time.

Yes, using waypipe

Yes, primary selection does work along with Ctrl+c although as others have mentioned it forgets when the app you copied from gets closed

There's lots of newspaper sites in the US, that do this. They'll be like "wanna use private browsing, make an account, or go visit from normal browsing." Idk why they do it but they do. Apparently there are discrepancies in the way browsers handle persistent storage features between private and non-private browsing that allow for detection

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Compositors do directly interact with the drivers though. The reason Wayland doesn't work on Nvidia is because Wayland uses an API called GBM(generic buffer management) to draw directly to the Linux VT. The Nvidia drivers don't implement that API, the API that both AMD and Intel drivers support. It very much IS an Nvidia problem and not the other way around. Nvidia tried to convince all the Wayland developers to use EGLStreams instead but no other drivers use(or even support) that API, everyone agreed on GBM except Nvidia. That's not Wayland's problem.

Tom Scott actually has a video about this which also talks about why you can't end sentences with contractions.

Shameless self plug for a program I don't even use because as cool as shaders for a wallpaper sounded...I prefer a nice anime one XD.

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That you should turn and run like hell? Probably lol...

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LOL, I also use DNS based filtering soooo I feel your pain.

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🤔 this a new requirement? I have 2 accounts. Neither with phone numbers and it's never asked me for one

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There was actually a really interesting idea I heard to have no time zones. And I actually think it could be a good idea. It'll never happen because people would need to re-learn time but if it was always the same time everywhere it would make scheduling and business so much easier. No one would need to convert between different zones or be late because of an incorrect conversion. The downside is that times which are conventionally morning or evening etc, would no longer would be so people would have to get used to time just being a construct for scheduling and not a representation of the natural day/night cycle...but it actually doesn't sound like a half bad idea.

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Not a C++ developer, I prefer C. You are right in general however my understanding is that classes which are generic using templates must be fully implemented in header files because of how templates are implemented. That being said this code doesn't appear to use templates so I'm not entirely sure I get it either?

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I do this in my code because it looks better and makes more sense...until I decide to declare 2 vars on one line and then I use the very cursed int* a, *b

Always has? It's supported java and I think python for forever

Yes I do lol, not very often I get recognized in the wild. Hello.

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I get making fun of java's verbosity for things like checked exceptions but hello world really isn't that much worse than most other languages especially considering all the "boilerplate" is required for any program more complicated than hello world in pretty much every language. But if a useless program really is too verbose for you see java 21.

void main() {
  System.out.println("hello world");

The mention of iOS 16 having 66% of system binaries not using swift is very interesting. I'm actually curious as to the equivalent number on Android. How many system APKs currently don't use kotlin?

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Discussions like this always bring me back to one thing...can a word itself be racist? Is it racist to use a word if it's not being said with racist intent? It's reminiscent of the gimp debacle...if a words use isn't intended to offend it's honestly beyond me how anyone could find it offensive. Are we supposed to ban every single word that has the slightest history of being used in an offensive fashion? Feel like we'd have a really long list if we did that.

You can send any signal manually including SIGSEGV and SIGABRT

Yeah that's completely fair and makes sense to me. I just know I've come across stuff where people are talking about it like they're the same language. This seems to be especially prevalent in windows development where the C support is pretty poor in comparison and tends to kinda be lumped into into C++.

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I personally run sway. I was really looking forward to kiwmi but that project looks dead

Also shows as dates on YouTube music

It's actually not. Objective-C is a superset of C. C++ is not. It's MOSTLY compatible...but it's not a superset. See the restrict keyword, or the need for casting to and from void*, or the inability to name variables new or delete, or class, or this. I can't count how many C projects I have which use this as a variable name that WILL NOT compile as C++...or the need for extern C to call C ABI no way is it a superset

EDIT: lol, you can downvote me if you want but I think you need to lookup what a superset is

Last I knew you had to jailbreak. Probably still the case unless Apple has decided to allow them on the app store...but I doubt it

Amusing video covering this topic

Lemmy is rust and it's alternative sublinks is java...your comment has now power here

🤔 that's a fair point...

LOL, yeah, honestly with how hard I got ratioed it's like I offended someone XD. I just found it an odd choice to complain about windows aesthetics and then be like "here's my fancier windows" but to each their own. Anyway, glad you like the project and find it useful.

This sums up how I feel nicely. No issues with parens...but whitespace...fuck that shit

Ah...well fair enough. I personally prefer plain C but I know nothing about the pine time or what languages are available and even then Hypr and Hyprland are C++ so you are trapped there...sway ftw lol. Also my pedantic side dictates I must say this even though it's irrelevant...but technically Hyprland is a Wayland compositor and while they do manage windows a window manager is an X term...