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Joined 1 years ago

I make things: electronics and software and music and stories and all sorts of other things.

Pantheon desktop from elementaryOS.

You can use it on their distro (Ubuntu based with lots of curated apps) or on its own (you can still get access to their curated apps, just not in the store)

EDIT: Sorry, I misunderstood. You want classic Mac. I'd say get Xfce4 and theme it yourself then.

Here's an example:

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LibreOffice is the superior IDE for Delphi

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My biggest disagreement is this:

Do not unnecessarily use braces where a single statement will do.

Always put braces around if statements. It will bite you in the butt

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I wonder if marketing this as "replacement to League" is the best move or if it should market itself as simply a new MOBA

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Lol is it really free of Western technologies if it's running on Linux?

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Also fyi there's trash-cli

I have rm aliased to trash-rm (not in sudo tho, so I can still force true deletion), so that if I remove something in terminal it also goes to trash.

You can empty the trash via trash-empty

It also uses ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/Trash (usually ~/.local/share/Trash)

Great reason to push more code out of the kernel and into user land

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Return to the office. Forced to use Windows again

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Life is and will always be better writing your own Makefiles. It's literally so easy. I do not get the distaste. Cmake is arcane magic. Bazel is practically written in runes. Makefile is a just a glorified build script, but where you don't have to use a bunch of if statements to avoid building everything each time.

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Systemd is a large piece of software. There are ways to make it smaller and disable various modules for it, but usually by default it's very heavy.

With a traditional init system, it's just an init system, and you'll use other other programs to do the other things. This basically means a chain of interconnected bash scripts. Perhaps you'll run into some integration issues. Probably not though. It'll be mostly the same.

There is no real advantage to this from a user perspective beyond a philosophical one. Systemd works quite well at doing the things it tries to do, but it's the Unix philosophy to "do one thing and do it well," and some people care very deeply that systemd does not follow their interpretation of that philosophy, and that's certainly a fair reason to not use it.

However, if you're not having problems with using systemd, I'd say don't bother switching.



For C++, yes. But "reference" is just a way of using the pointer when it comes to C

AI is mostly just hype. It's the new blockchain

There are important AI technologies in the past for things like vision processing and the new generative AI has some uses like as a decent (although often inaccurate) summarizer/search engine. However, it's also nothing revolutionary.

It's just a neat peace of tech

But here come MS, Apple, other big companies, and tech bros to push AI hard, and it's so obv that it's all just a big scam to get more of your data and to lock down systems further or be the face of get-rich-quick schemes.

I mean the image you posted is a great example. Recall is a useless feature that also happens to store screenshots of everything you've been doing. You're delusional if you think MS is actually going to keep that totally local. Both MS and the US government are going to have your entire history of using the computer, and that doesn't sit right with FOSS people.

FOSS people tend to be rather technical than the average person, so they don't fall for tech enthusiast nonsense as much.

They should be worried. We don't want them comfortable.

So many negative things have entered our culture bc people don't care about dangers. Nearly every app should have a warning

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Just switched to LibreWolf/Mull + KeePassXC/KeePass2Android

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And yeah I know about NixOS but I like to distro hop and experiment

If you know about NixOS, then you probably know this, but Nix, the package manager/the language behind NixOS, is cross-platform.

I daily drive NixOS, but I also use Nix (and home-manager) on my Fedora music laptop, my Ubuntu home file-server, and my work Windows machine (WSL) to install and configure neovim automatically instead of copying a config, installing all the packages, and running check health over and over again until everything is set up.

I just copy my neovim.nix file over (also other things like zsh.nix) and run home-manager switch

You don't have to use NixOS to take advantage of its benefits.

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Purpose made for Data-science

Uhhh... R?

That, MATLAB, and Python are the only languages I know of used in that field, and it's not MATLAB or Python lol. I don't know anything about R tho

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because they used Metal for rendering

That in itself is a suspicious choice tbh

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I use Nix btw

complete dealbreaker issues


inability to use 240hz

Opinion disregarded

This is already how the military works BC they lost the source code for ancient machines. They've gotta now hire reverse engineer researchers to help out

I installed Nix on WSL and then used that to get home-manager and thus my zsh and neovim configs working on Windows

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Often even cheaper

Where can I find a cheaper mini PC? They all seem to be like $250+ on Amazon, Beelink included.

Before RPis went up in cost they were $35. Isn't there anything in that price range?

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I agree. We've let the standards for what is good drop.

I think it's mainly because the "just works" mentality has become infectious among engineers. It's one thing when just starting out, but as you learn more and gain experience you should care more.

People do the designing and architecture and programming just because it all pays well, not because they have a love for the craft.

I think the second, slightly less strong reason is because many engineers do not know how to effectively communicate with management when something will result in terribly written software and just do it anyway. Another skill I see less and less amongst my brethren.

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No. Some applications won't change even if you'd make the PR for them, simply because they don't want to change legacy features.

For instance, the bash maintainers have refused to put .bashrc into .config/ and to even allow the option to move it.

xdg ninja can help move some stuff out of your home dir tho

The way I like to think about it is that Proton essentially provides a standard, stable API across both Windows and Linux for gaming (Win32). We typically talk about it as a translation layer, and it is, but also to some degree it's also "here's an implementation of Win32 for Linux."

If game devs can, say, buy a steam deck and know their game works on it, that means it's gonna work on other steam decks and probably most Linux machines. It's making it easy for devs to test and develop for Linux, even if it's not really "on Linux." Copy the Windows files to the steam deck, run your release checklist, and you're good to go.

  • Wayland has several new features like, say, removing screen tearing, but it's not necessarily "advantages" that are the reason to use Wayland. It's sort of a redo of how graphics should work in the Linux world, and it will be the standard going forward. X11 development has more or less ceased with those developers moving to Wayland (in fact, Wayland was created by X11 developers to address issues they had with the architecture of X11). It's not a matter of should you switch to Wayland; it's a matter of when should you switch to Wayland. The answer is, as soon as you can.
  • Gaming varies drastically. Some games are fine. Some games make me launch Steam via Lutris to start (not sure why it works, but it does) but run fine after. Some games can't reach higher framerates. That said, no screen tearing is a plus. When it works, Wayland is very smooth, but it doesn't always work yet. An example off the top of my head, no matter what I do, Street Fighter 6 doesn't get above 45 fps on Wayland. It's a good idea to have an X11 option as a backup still imo
  • The best way to migrate is just to install a Wayland compatible DE/WM. I've used both GNOME Wayland and Hyprland extensively and they both work great. If you're used to i3 (that's what I used to use and is still my X11 backup), Hyprland is great. KDE like you have on your Desktop already works good on Wayland from what I've heard.
  • I have made the switch because most of my apps can run on Wayland, and it's the future. I still have a backup in case there's a game or something that doesn't quite work for me. For instance, I can't share screen on discord. It won't even recognize the pipewire route. Thus, I've gotta switch to X if I want to do that.

The big sticking point for me is the camera. It seems like they all have bad (or even non-functioning) cameras. I don't own a camera. My phone is my camera. I can't switch to a phone that can't be my camera.

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What they're referring to is that when you use tabs, you end up having some things at the end of lines have to be spaced over for alignment. Thus, you then have to turn on some way of seeing what stuff is tabs and what stuff is spaces and it turns into a big mess.

Hence why normal people indent with spaces instead of hard tabs


So let's break the dang web

I've been using a custom version of paleofetch for NixOS for a while, but I decided to write my own clone of neofetch in Rust when I heard about the archival just for fun.

It has (or I suppose will have) parity with everything neofetch can output, supports dynamic plugins, is super fast bc compiled, and looks up information using asynchronous fetches. It's configurable via a config file (JSON) to choose what you want to show (I think this is better than using CLI options for this kind of app).

I have the app's framework/architecture up and running, I just need to finish implementing the rest of the data lookup and add more distro logos.

Once I get the data lookup feature complete, I'll make the repo public so people can add their distros' logos and use it, but I'm treating this as more of a pet project, so I doubt people will be that interested in using/contributing since plenty of other fetch programs exist, so I don't care if it lives or dies; it's just fun to make things :)

Tenatively named fetch-rs, but I'm sure something like that already exists.

Yes. We use SVN. I hate it. I'm trying to build a case to switch to git. We're a small team, but a growing team

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Personally, Ardour > Bitwig. Couldn't ever figure out how to do anything in Bitwig. Very complicated an unintuitive.

Ardour is also unintuitive but 1) I did eventually figure it out and 2) it's at least free

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Mint is currently my recommendation for Windows refugees and has been for a while.

  • Cinnamon desktop environment works like Windows' UX
  • Ubuntu-based, so you'll find help online for basically anything
  • Not just Ubuntu; follows more popular, community decisions rather than Canonical's (e.g. things like Flatpak instead of Snap) which will help you in the long run since you'll be using what everyone else is using
  • Ubuntu-based, so Debian-based, so pretty stable with lots of available software (even outside of Flatpak)
  • Significant amount of work put into UX with less you have to do

If you're not worried about high-performance gaming, you'll be fine with whatever. For developers, any Linux distro is gonna be leagues better than what you're used to on Windows. For Assembly, NASM + VS Code will be great.

I find Rust crates generally have pretty good docs. is a major time saver

Somebody needs to make a Mortal Kombat themed KDE plasma.

Where's my blood splatter KWin effect?

I would really prefer native if there is the opportunity

I prefer native apps too, but I'll still use websites and some electron apps, and I'll still use applications built in C#, Java, Python, etc. None of those are really native either. Proton is analogous to a virtual environment for running an interpreter. Potentially, it's slower and has issues a la Python, but if the program can work, then I don't care about the theoretical problems; it works despite them. So I think it's fine.

If it means more games for Linux and a standard that developers can target, encouraging them to "support Linux," then that's a win I think. Like I said in another comment, a studio can buy a steam deck, throw the same Windows export on it, and then have someone run through the same set of tests they'd normally go through. If it works there, it'll work on most Linux machines. Having a standard API is not a bad thing imo

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