Chinese distro (OpenKylin) made to provide independence from western technologies releses its first stable version to – 70 points –
OpenKylin 1.0: First Stable Release of an LFS Distro from China

OpenKylin is already starting to be implemented on government systems and private companies all around China.

Edit: This is what was written on the website.


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Lol is it really free of Western technologies if it's running on Linux?

I think it only uses western dependencies if they are open source. Even if linux somehow got weaponised against China (hard to imagine this as it goes against the very basics of Open Source), they could still use the older kernel releases and fork from that.

Linux kernel isn’t western or finnish, because you don’t need to trust westerners of finns to use it. Wherever you live, linux kernel is yours

GNU/Linux technologies were founded in the west, but are contributed to by people all over the world. I also feel like the ideology and philosophy behind them are in stark contrast to the "western" ideologies of capitalism and imperialism.

And the kicker: the config files show 99% were extracted from Debian Linux. Own Chinese distro, my ass.

the config files show 99% were extracted from Debian Linux

Can you provide a source for that?

Well, Achually, Linux is tecnically european...

puts on nerd glasses

Is Europe no longer considered western?

Well... Personaly I would not consider it western being in between of the US and Asia...

Edit: better clarification

Oh mate... You need to get out of America and see the world.

I am actually european... I live in greece... It is just that when i picture the map, i picture europe middle-west so i go with middle. Unless what we mean is the culture which by convention, you are correct... Damn... Now i actually feel like the nerd with the glasses... Not in the good way...

So you live in the cradle of Western civilization

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