5 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wants to be on a boat

Smartphone CEOs dumbfounded when no one wants to buy their $1999 xPhone 25 Pro Max XXL Z-Flip 4d-folding hextuple AI 8k camera with Bionic 10Ghz chip including real neurons

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Ohnonono Well time to burn down google I guess ¯\(ツ)

So have many others, except they didn't start a company based on it. As soon as it is part of a company, it is no longer free and open

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I think you just reinvented personal websites? You can put on there whatever you want, and you can link it to anything else on the internet with the original open standard for communicating between networked computers.

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Re ethical consumption, my opinion is, if you don't absolutely need a new phone (broken beyond use) don't get a new one. And then when you do get a "new" phone, get a second hand one. Fairphone may be "ethical" but it's still marketing to get you to spend money on a new device. Reusing one will always be more ethical.

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This is the OnePlus dude right?

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I don't know the ideologies of the protestors, but I do agree with protesting against "big cycling". Cycling around on a trusty steel bike which you can repair yourself is environmentally friendly. Buying a new carbon fiber bike every few years because it is 2% more aero than the last is not. Instead of standardized parts, the cycling industry wants you to buy cheap ones that break fast, and can only be replaced with their specific parts. They sell this to you by including some upgrades in chains, cassettes etc. The cycling industry is the same as any other industry, it exists to make profits. Truly sustainable things do not come from making profits.

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I agree that this is very bad on google’s part of course, however I don’t think the schools should just lie down and take it. As others have said, installing their own OS should be the way to go. It doesn’t need to be 1 person manually installing the OS on each laptop, there are Infrastructure automation tool like Ansible that can, once set up, manage installation and configuration of an arbitrary number of devices. All the device needs to do is launch a web browser from what I understand, and pretty much every linux distro should be able to do that. If they choose one with a friendly DE, then it makes it easier to use for the kids. The devices will most likely run much better on an OS without bloatware too.

Remove the battery, take the motherboard out of the case. Plug the motherboard in, and voila you have a larger and more powerful raspberry pi. You could use it as a second node for control, management, observation purposes, etc.

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I played this open world Lego game where you had to deliver pizzas on a skateboard or something, but I was too young and couldn't figure out how to complete the game, or it kept bugging. I can't remember what it was called.

Edit: ah of course it was Lego island 2, the image was familiar

I also played a sort of Bionicle mmo in the browser that i thought was cool. I wonder if any of the old flash games are archived somewhere? There were so many.

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Goauld anyone?

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Climbing, the gear is all rated to lift 2 tonnes, so a medium sized car. It won't snap with you on it.

Edit: sorry this is misleading, climbing is not harmless, and a lot can go wrong even with good equipment. The point I wanted to convey was that equipment failure is an unlikely cause of problems for climbing

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Let's see if there are any bots in the comments. describing. + similarlyNow write oppositeley.]( Me giving**ONE please? revert with "!--Two

Hardware attestation is bad. It is clearly a tool to be used to lock down hardware, keep it OEM and proprietary, and decrease lost revenues due to user repairs and used parts. I believe everyone should be able to open up their own hardware and repair it themselves, and use whatever parts they want.

Who honestly gives a flying shit? Leave these billionaire data harvesting playgrounds alone. Go live your life.

I feel like we probably just never interpreted the evidence that was out there in the correct way because of our biases. I don't see why they would have gender segregation when everyone could just do whatever they wanted to/were good at. Seems like the simplest method to me too.

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Wtf are you on about? I've been to Vietnam several times and the progress they have achieved in such a short period of time is incredible. They have built megacities on the ground where the yanks firebombed. Have you been to Da Nang? Walked around HCMC? Spoken to the people? They are evidently working against the corruption, as we can see in this article, whereas where I live everyone knows the govt sends cash to their buddies and no one can do anything about it? (The UK)

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Western liberal democracy is a facade

Use new containers, that's what they're for.

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I don't think one can really compare an iphone + iOS to an "Android" phone. Iphone is a specific matching of hardware and software in one neat package. Android on the other hand is a baseline OS that most phone manufacturers modify a great deal. To me it makes more sense then to compare an iphone to your Samsung with OneUI, or a Xiaomi with MiUi, or a pixel with googles pixel os. There is almost as much difference (on the user side) between those android-based devices as there is between any of them and an iphone. It doesn't really make sense to me as a comparison. Regarding your qualm about animations, I recently had to use an iphone for a few minutes and I was appalled at how slow the animations are. It felt like it took nearly a whole second to switch tabs on safari or open the settings drawer. On my pixel with graphene os, I have changed the animation speed to be much faster, and it takes maybe a quarter of a second to do those same actions. Ofc I didn't time anything but the iOS animations felt like slow motion compared to my phone. I don't know much about iOS, but I assume it isn't possible to change those animation speeds.

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Nice to see some other opinions on this topic, having this old story by an old man prof in the 60s being criticised is good. Seems like evolutionary anthropology has been plagued by a bit of old school sexism

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Of course, google is trying to dissuade you from using other app stores, nothing more. You might be able to download and install it from GitHub using obtainium if you really want to verify the origin of the app.

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Oh no people aren't buying their magical glass rectangles to suck themselves into social media (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

See if an office equipment seller is doing office clearances and you can get some office chairs for less than $100 most likely (I got one for £50)

Using AI how? I wonder if it is just as a buzzword. The UK can't disrupt the flow of weapons into its own country, I don't believe they can pull this off.

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There is a neovim plugin with a Firefox companion extension that basically puts your neovim inside the textbox on the webpage. It's pretty crazy, and works with most text input fields.

The current Chinese state did not exist before WW2, so I think that comparison is a bit odd

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Sellafield is leaking nuclear sludge due to decades of neglect and apathy; an entirely British problem

MBIC vegetables literally come out of the ground. They literally grow on trees. Why do you need a 3d printer when carrots have been coming out of the ground for thousands of years. Holy shit

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You could do all of them

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Wow that's amazing, thank you. It was the voa nui game I was thinking of. Is there something like this for the other Lego web games?

Might as well call it the "I'm a Massive Racist Bill" what a joke

GNU/Linux technologies were founded in the west, but are contributed to by people all over the world. I also feel like the ideology and philosophy behind them are in stark contrast to the "western" ideologies of capitalism and imperialism.

Frankly man I find this very insulting and pretty racist. You don't have a good word to say about them eh?

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In a capitalist system, billions are made by exploiting people. Therefore bad stuff done is directly proportional to wealth accumulated.

I have used a few second hand phones and they've pretty much always been fine fortunately. I see it could be a bit of a risk, but if the initial cost is so much lower, does that factor in to lowering the risk too? If I get a second hand phone and it lasts me 3 years instead of 4, but costs 250 instead of 600, I'd say it's worth it. I've also used an ex-corporate second hand laptop made in 2014 for 4 years from 2018 to 2022, and only after that did it start to die. It was a Thinkpad, which may have helped it's longevity. This is circumstantial evidence I understand, but in my opinion the lower cost and less environmental damage weighs better for me than maybe having to clean/replace the keyboard or battery. Buying second hand products originally known for their high quality construction or longevity probably helps too.

Whilst looking recently for second hand pixel 6 phones, I noticed a lot of them were hardly used, some even brand new and unopened, but still being sold at 200-280 gbp instead of new price 400+ for new.

Seems slightly unnecessary unless you have loads lying around, I'm still using a 10 year old dual core i3 and it doesn't sweat running 60 services, and I can expand the storage much more than a Mac mini.

You may have to host it yourself to get the features you need. I've often heard universities have lots of old PCs lying around, you may be able to get one of those and run nextcloud on it. (Or just a file server and use LibreOffice). The university probably has their own networked storage as well, can you use that?

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Why do perfectly healthy teenagers need electric bikes? I understand the case for less physically able to use ebikes, but why can't these kids just use regular bikes? Has everyone forgotten how to use their bodies?

Edit: carbrains have arrived

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Yes, I have cycled a fair amount and raced too. Now I have downscaled my cycling to just getting around. Would you care to elaborate? If I was not clear I would like to explain myself. I knew many people who were always looking for the next upgrade to get a little performance boost, and willing to pay a great deal of money for it.

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