Infinite Craft, an endless crafting game, is out. to – 157 points –
Infinite Craft

Attention: This game does not have a save feature, but people on Hacker News have already found a way to save their progress.

Export the items to a json string:

console.log(JSON.stringify({discoveries: window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.discoveries, elements:window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.elements}))

Load the items from a json string:


window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.elements = a.elements; window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.discoveries = a.discoveries;


Science is lying to you. Here's how humanity was actually created:

Ah I finally understand Kabbalah!

I thought of another joke:

Ah so thatโ€™s what the kids call the โ€œSephirothโ€? I always thought it was just a pretty man.

๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€๏ธ Mermaid + ๐Ÿ”ฅ Fire = ๐Ÿšจ Siren


I was wondering why it looked different from some of the screenshots I see here but when I play on mobile it's just an endless list that gets bigger and requires a lot of scrolling. Switched my browser to desktop mode and now I can see you can drag and drop stuff. These types of games are so simple but so addicting. Ahhh

I love this types of games. Happy to hear that desktop works better then mobile, the scrolling made it somewhat difficult.

Why would you do this to me

I'm stuck in an infinite loop of combining water, fire, wind, and earth with everything. I haven't even done any combos that don't involve one of those except by accident.

Send help.

That's how I started. After a while I was just clicking random combos to see what I could get.

Rainbow Road + Mario Kart = Death

My favorite creation so far has been "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Booster Course Pass Wave 4"

How the hell do you even get that far?

I'm not even sure, the chain of crafting I had to go through was so long I couldn't tell you what I did. I gave it another go later on and only managed to create "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass". To make things more difficult, results that are too long can't be combined with anything else, so you have to create those long results all at once from very specific shorter ingredient words.

I went the political route:

๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ Putin + ๐Ÿ’ฉ Trump = ๐Ÿ‘ฌ Bromance

Fire + Fish = Sushi (?)

Fire + Sushi = Wasabi (??)

You sometimes roast the fish for sushi. Wasabi is eaten with sushi and burns when you eat it, so it works.

I don't know what it is, but I haven't laughed this hard in awhile.

If you combine Cthulhu with nearly anything, only Cthulhu remains, but if you combine Cthulhu with King Kong, you get Cthulhu Kong.

I don't get this?

Is it just combining tags to discover new tags, and placement of more than 1 has no effect?

... 26 minutes later and I'm still clicking. SEND HELP!!!

Forest + Penguin = Tux ?

What do forests have to do with Tux?

sandman + sandwoman = sandkids


ah man this llm is gold

vampire + zombie = zompire

superman + dracula = batman (guess makes sense...)

superman + thor = superthor

superman + superthor = supermanthor (the ultimate superhero?)

And my ultimate creation:

Super Justice Phoenix League

Stoner + Priest = Jesus

Yeah, that's about right.

Oh yeah, I've spent too much time on that site playing the password game! That guy is a genius!

Chicken Soup for the Soul + China = Chicken Soup For The Soul


Chicken Soup For The Soul + Mystery = Chicken Soup For The Soul: Mystery

I guess I should have seen that coming.

Managed to crash it when trying to combine Snowglobe and Snow globe.

Does the unlabeled galaxy emoji combine with anything?

No I think it's bugged. My best guess is some kind of AI is creating the crafting results, so it must be returning an invalid result.

It is, it's using a llama model in the API. If you watch the network tab you can see the calls it makes and modify them yourself, they're simple get requests. It's kinda fun to pick random words and see what the LLM comes up with.

Ahh this makes sense. That's how I managed to get two separate Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin, Anakin Skywalker, Luke, and Luke Skywalker in the same game.

I've managed to create marijuana and bong after five minutes of messing with it. Perfect game.

Edit: I'm really narrowing in on this niche: Stoner + Couch = Pothead