
4 Post – 423 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not sure why he lost. He could have claimed to run it through an AI that was only trained on the one picture.

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Can you imagine what it would look like if they chose someone like Jon Stewart instead? How a debate like that would have gone? A guy can dream...

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Power word: Flacid

Have we forgotten that we also have Margot Robbie?

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Star of the Barbie movie, now available on Blu Ray at your local retailers!

I'm saying she's an academy award nominated character actor and producer

Shortly after getting a cell phone, I made a personal policy that most people don't get a free pass to interrupt my life whenever they want (there are a handful of people on the short list, of course). I've had friends and family comment that I'm hard to contact by phone, and I've always pleasantly agreed (and explained politely if they seem interested). Even texts or other messages can wait until I'm at a good place to respond.

For me, having my phone on silent most of the time is a mental health thing. I know people that have their attention diverted every few minutes, and I have no idea how they survive.

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Being "up for" something is the same as being "down with" something.

"You're shit" and "you ain't shit" mean the same thing.

"Giving in" and "giving out" sometimes mean the same thing.

English is a delightful mess of redundancy and contradictions.

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There will be lots of traps for Trump. Like getting asked questions, and having a microphone. Gotta watch out for those.

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My wife has ADHD. I feel you, fam.

BonesOfTheMoon - posts a ton of content, not a troll either.

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Sorry, the cheese has spoken.

Yeah, at this point, it's polite to arrange a call, especially if it's probably more than a minute or two. And as you've noted, it's also more successful than a cold call.

😠🫸 Millions to help poor students

😃👉 Billions in bailouts to the rich

Ross is the one that drives me insane. Literally every other person demonstrates some sort of growth over the 10 years the show takes place, but Ross is pretty much exactly the same.

For me, Rachel starts out annoying but gets more likeable through the seasons.

To be fair, the only way to afford a place like this is to run some sort of lab out of it.

I cast loose stool

It depends on their window.

If they include call volume data back to the Neolithic period in their calculations, then yes, call volumes are higher than average (the average being 0.001 calls per century, rounding up).

Pretty sure that's how they do the math.

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I've been at the front of the classroom--using tools like TurnItIn is fine for getting "red flags," but I'd never rely on just tools to give someone a zero.

First, unless you're in a class with a hundred people, the professor would have a general idea as to whether you're putting in effort--are they attentive? Do they ask questions? And an informal talk with the person would likely determine how well they understand the content in the paper. Even for people who can't articulate well, there are questions you can ask that will give you a good feel for whether they wrote it.

I've caught cheaters several times, it's not that hard. Will a few slide through? Yes, but they will regardless of how many stupid AI tools you use. Give the students the benefit of the doubt and put in some effort, lazy profs.

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The only way you can hoard money like that is to convince yourself that poverty is a moral failing. Otherwise, your conscience can't handle it.

Nobody thinks they're the bad guy.

Dear Mr. Customer,

Thank you for reaching out to me. I've created a design to your specifications, and included some notes in this message.

To accommodate for the number of bedrooms being unknown, I've included 1024 bedrooms in the design. If you don't need the extra rooms, you can simply leave the doors closed. You won't even notice they're there!

This design is flexible in order to balance cost vs features. For example, the house can be built from cheaper materials like OSB or cardboard, or more expensive materials like aluminum or andesite. I've also made the design modular, so you can include only the features you need (for example, a roof).

In terms of maintenance fees, we can offer you a low-cost yearly management service, so you need not worry about maintaining the building. Our firm will definitely be around in 6 months still, we're pretty sure of it.

I was not able to get a hold of your family, but I collected some feedback from my girlfriend and two cats. My girlfriend was indifferent, but the cats were unanimous in wanting green carpet. Please offer my most sincere regrets to your wife in this matter.

I didn't have the specific fridge connection you requested. I would have built a custom connector, but my boss insisted we cobble together something using 18 different preexisting connectors. It should keep things cold, but the refrigerator door will open inwards.

I've included the blueprints below. Please ignore the tear stains.

The sad part is that he couldn't put two and two together. Health problem interrupting your job? It's not like poor people ever have to deal with health problems, they're just lazy, right? /s

  • all colors can be made from red, yellow, and blue
  • how an airfoil works
  • language is immutable
  • you won't always have a calculator in your pocket
  • infinite growth is sustainable
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"Don't let the magic smoke out!"

In electrical/computer/embedded engineering, we have a running gag that microchips work by trapping magic smoke inside, and when you do something wrong, you "let out" the magic smoke.

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Hmm... it's almost like if you train a model on biased data you get biased results...

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"We value your privacy" in the same way my dog values a steak dipped in peanut butter.

Nah, I name all my variables after my homies.

int dave = 0;

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Leopards, faces.

Minutes 1-2: Grab a hoodie, my most comfortable walking shoes, my passports, and any extra cash. Turn on my shower, grab my cordless trimmer, set my phone on the sink, lock the bathroom door behind me. Lock the doors, leave through the garage. Grab my small adjustable wrench on the way out.

Minutes 3-5: my neighborhood lies along a set of railroad tracks that are heavily obscured by brush. Start walking. By the time they arrive at my house, I'm a good ways down the tracks and leaving my neighborhood.

Minutes 6-10: the agents have entered and found that I'm not in the shower. I'm further down the tracks and out of my neighborhood.

Minutes 11-30: I make my way to a friend's house, mainly following the tracks. When I get there, tell them I have an emergency and can I borrow their car. The agents are searching.

Minutes 31-60: I start driving. I stop in a parking lot at a factory near my office. I look for a car that was backed into its spot and use my wrench to steal the license plate--shift change was two hours ago, so I have 6 hours before they notice. I put the other plate on my vehicle. The agents are interrogating my friend, but the border is only 1.5 hours away. I have family there.

Minutes 61-150: As I drive, I use my cordless trimmer to shave my hair and beard. About half way, I stop at a Walmart and pick up a burner phone. I dial my family as I drive. We make a plan.

Minutes 151-180: I park at Sam's Club. My parents are already on their way back to the car with some groceries. I meet them at their car and get in the back seat. As we pull away, I crouch down and climb into the trunk. We head for the border.

Minutes 181-200: we arrive at customs, but my parents have a fast pass. They cross the border casually all the time. They don't check the trunk. We're waved through.

Minutes 200-525600: I contact my home country's law enforcement. They put me in the witness protection program. I have a new identity and life. The agents search in vain.

Minutes 525601-20000000: I'm content in my new life. I work, I pursue simple hobbies, I avoid social media. Eventually age catches up with me and I decide to move into an assisted living facility. My mind isn't as sharp as it once was. One of the workers in the cafeteria asks my name, and I give a name I haven't heard in 40 years. The cafeteria worker raises their serving spoon. It's not a spoon, it's a gun. They're the agent.

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Or what? Stop sending weapons, coward.

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"Sorry, it cut out for me. Can you repeat that last part?"

I use this line in... a lot of online meetings.

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"But this time the guy was white rich Republican innocent!"

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We make dinosaur sounds when we're trying to find each other. Sometimes in public. Works well, would recommend.

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To be fair, simulating the brain of a person from the deep south isn't that hard. I can already do that with a 9v battery and a block of cheddar.

In zero-based indexing, zero is #1.

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If most people used Telegram, Meta would have bought it instead of WhatsApp.

Yeah, this really seems like a win-win (assuming any reasonable Americans have had plenty of time to get themselves and their shit out of Russia).

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Lockout? Never heard of him

The issue with the self-selecting layoffs is that it's usually the best talent that leaves. Not that they care, as it won't negatively impact this quarter's numbers. But funny/sad to see them all confused a year later when number go down.