Haha (b/j)eans

owenfromcanada@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 495 points –

Imagine looking for quality content on c/shitpost

This meme created by (b/j)eans gang.


Missed opportunity to make the histogram Jean-textured

I knew this skill would come in handy one day.

Brilliant. No notes.

No no, the weary sagejak should have a jloak

Please someone

Fuuuckin' hell. I don't know if I can keep up with this. We're gonna need a highly trained squad of elite jeaners.

Now it's too high quality for shitposts! I've deepfried it out of an abundance of caution

Go Jeans or Go Home

Jesus Christ, well I guess I got what I asked for. A highly trained squad of elite jeaners.

...What have we done...

The meme is in the comments

No. Sorry. Cannnot cum. Need bean jeans.

Unique jink you got there. I bet finding a jartner hasn't bean easy.

If I recall correctly, long long ago, in the before time, people were posting screenshots of screenshots of screenshots of memes that had already been completely annihilated previously. Something like that, it was so long ago and I'm not a historian.

Personally I think this is progress.

i’m saying!

“pls give us original content”

“wait not like that”

I mean personally what bothers me about it is that it's all AI-generated. Personally seeing an AI image just kills any potential humor. Even the lowest effort of slapping two images on top of each other in PowerPoint would be preferable. And in fact the lack of effort in and of itself can be funny there too. But there's nothing creative or interesting about asking an AI image generator to make a funny image imo

I dislike AI for just about everything, except memes and shitposts. It’s a great fit

creative or interesting

I think you're in the wrong community for that.

Honestly, I sympathize with you on the AI-generated stuff, I'm not a fan in more serious contexts. But this is shitpost, so anything (not rule-breaking) goes. There are other places for creativity and interesting content.

What internet are y'all living on where shitposting was never creative or interesting?

Not saying it can't be (lots of it is) but having high expectations doesn't seem in line with it.

creative or interesting

I think you're in the wrong community for that.

You're making shit posts and thinking they're shitposts, aren't you?

Shitposts are low effort content, what's more low effort then telling a computer to make something for you?

Yeah, because fucking Stable Diffusion prompts write and tweak themselves.

That on top of generating tens of images with the same prompt until getting exactly what you want.

Tell me you haven't used AI image generation without telling me you haven't used AI image generation.

Oh no, it's so hard to come up with different words to get the pretty image I want!!1!1!1!!1! It's not hard, you're just a dumbass who thinks your effort is more valuable than it is

It seems you lack that creativity you talk about so much when you need to resort to name calling to back up your argument.

But I guess someone who has never used AI and just seems to hate it has nothing better to say.

Don't expect further replies.

sir this is Wendy’s c/shitpost

I don't understand this whole new idea of "shitpost vs shit post." They're the same thing. That's where the term shitpost came from. Posts that are shit. Asking for quality shitposts is like asking for a well done rare steak. You can't have it both ways.

I'm interpreting the lecture posts/comments as even shittier than the rest of the stuff here. Something for us all to aspire to--perhaps one day I will reach such shitty heights myself.

I'm an old person that's been around since the "Why can't I hold all these limes" days and I'd disagree. Shitposting as an art is posting random shit. Weird shit. Irrelevant shit. But always funny shit. That's where the term came from imo

It actually takes a bit of a sense of humour to recognise it and/or create it, and AI kinda takes that away

Just my opinion, yours can be different

Bring back bean memes