1 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The economy is booming

For who? The American people are struggling. Meanwhile the wealth gap is wider than it's literally ever been and Biden is too busy bombing brown children to give a shit

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You only say things are fine bc it doesn't affect you personally that much. Also please stop claiming that Biden has improved anything other than AIPAC's grip on our tax dollars.

No I want both of them to unalive, preferably as violently as possible. Unemployment is a vastly flawed metric that doesn't account for underemployment or discouraged workers, and real wages would be significantly down if the government was accurately measuring inflation, which they're intentionally not doing so they can continue to pretend that everything's fine.

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The lack of imperial Japan in this image is disturbing

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I mean personally what bothers me about it is that it's all AI-generated. Personally seeing an AI image just kills any potential humor. Even the lowest effort of slapping two images on top of each other in PowerPoint would be preferable. And in fact the lack of effort in and of itself can be funny there too. But there's nothing creative or interesting about asking an AI image generator to make a funny image imo

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Cake days were by far reddit's most unproductive and inane tradition, they should've died long ago. I will personally see to it that every person wishing or attempting to wish a happy cake day is verbally harassed until they delete their account.

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I'm still convinced that fat people just don't have this feeling. Like when I eat too much, I legitimately feel sick. Stomach aches, neck and chest pain, nausea, lethargy, it's awful. I'm on the borderline between healthy and overweight (even though I have basically no fat on my body). I have no idea how anyone functions while eating enough to gain and maintain all this weight. It's completely insane to me

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Baldur's gate is the third installment in a decades old franchise that is based on d&d, a franchise that has been established for nearly 50 years now

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Yeah totally. But if you dare even insinuate that Japan was anything other than a victim of WW2, the public outcry is so massive that you will be forced to publicly apologize and denounce your previous statement

They can't have seriously thought this would work in their favor lmao

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If you need help modding it I'd definitely be willing to help out. It's one of my favorite communities on Reddit

Can you possibly be more out of touch?

Please don't take this as a challenge

What internet are y'all living on where shitposting was never creative or interesting?

I'm pretty sure this has been available for a while. I was using this site when I was working on my senior project in GBA emulation a couple years back

Tl;Dr of history of israel-palestine conflict:

Britain colonizes Palestine and makes it Israel

Israel recognizes this as kinda bullshit and willingly offers basically half the land to existing Palestinians and also offers full citizenship to any Palestinian who wishes to remain in what is now Israel.

Palestine refuses the deal, declares war on Israel

Israel kicks their ass, again offers a deal with less land

Palestine again says no, basically a cold war begins

Other Arab countries refuse to allow Palestinians to move there, also declare war on Israel and get their asses kicked

Terrorists begin attacking Israel from Palestine, especially from the West Bank

Those terrorists are elected to run Palestine in a free and fair election

Israel begins committing human rights violations against Palestinians

We've now been at this last stage for at least two decades, possibly longer but I can't be bothered to fact check myself on the exact dates right now. And yes, this is absolutely as short as the TL;DR on this situation can get, I'm 100000% sure both sides will get upset about details I left out even in this longer story.

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We definitely have to stop calling communities subreddits though.

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When will someone think of the big titty bi goth girls smh my head

No, in uneducated American circles you would be correct but in actual political discourse a leftist is truly a leftist. A liberal is an American "leftist".

Sometimes you have to fucking do something. We can't make big changes overnight. Start small. Organize soup kitchens in your community. Or a community garden. Or start holding party meetings and recruiting people to the cause. And stop making excuses for "leftist" murderers just because they're "leftist".

I worked as a cameraman in college for about a year and a half. Your producer can see every angle from every camera simultaneously. So depending on the producer, you'd either get chewed out or get big laughs for doing this. But people still did it all the time regardless

Oh no, it's so hard to come up with different words to get the pretty image I want!!1!1!1!!1! It's not hard, you're just a dumbass who thinks your effort is more valuable than it is

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This comment is basically just reaffirming my choice to make world my home instance too, although I am probably gonna explore some of Beehaw's communities especially if they have more engagement. Any you'd recommend?

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That's basically agnosticism. And it's pretty common among intellectuals, historically speaking at least

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Right, but from the perspective of a gaming company CEO, it being a sequel is everything. You have to remember, these people are incredibly uninformed and shortsighted. Think of the dumbest person you've interacted with ever, and that's about as intelligent as the smartest CEO. They see that Baldur's Gate 3 sold well, and all they learn from that is that sequels are a profitable endeavor. They couldn't care less about any of the context that makes it a good game.

I'm here because I'm hoping we can Digg v4 reddit. If we can't then I'm hoping one of the other alternatives will. As it stands Reddit is hoping everything will just blow over, I'm not gonna stand by and just let that happen

Nah, it was pretty obvious. It's not his fault y'all are dumb as fuck. It happens! Just be happy you learned something today

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Yes but I follow rules 1 & 2 so the fact that I don't know how to start conversations with people doesn't matter, I get so many matches that eventually someone will put up with my bs and I can get laid

the charts are what people are actually listening to

But this statement by itself is incredibly disingenuous. Artists and record labels literally have to pay Spotify to get their songs to be played in the algorithm. Yes, it is technically what people are listening to but it's actually almost always which record company decided to break open their wallet the most for that particular song.

Acting like common slang is somehow incongruous with "philosophical" conversation and voicing that opinion is hilariously hypocritical. I urge you to consider what it is about that language that upsets you so much and take some time to work on it. I use common slang mostly because the point is obvious and using big words makes people feel like the speaker thinks they are above everyone they are speaking to. I wrote out that entire long ass sentence instead of saying you sound like a conceited jackass because I know you edge from unnecessarily long phrases.

The only reason anyone cares is because of post WW2 guilt and oil interests. There are other places on earth in nearly the exact same situation (two unsupportable regimes both claiming sovereignty over the same region and committing war crimes against each other) and no one cares about them, let alone even knowing what places I'm talking about, simply because there's no oil involved. The answer is fundamentally the same as when you're walking down the street and see two drunk guys hitting each other. You ignore them and keep walking. Some people just want to do bad things and there's not really anything you can do to stop them. By getting involved you inherently are forced to choose sides and now are supporting someone who doesn't deserve to be supported.

I'm still using Boost until that app dies at least. It seems as though some of the protesting subs are coming back, some are doubling down. Every non-participating sub seems to be doing fine, although the upvote and comment numbers do seem lower than usual. The result is still kinda up in the air it seems.

It wasn't just lesbian relationships. Pretty much any gay/lesbian relationship when written about by historians calls them roommates or very close friends or some bullshit like that

Sure, but at the same time all of the casual redditors who somehow weren't aware of the controversy (the ones making threads asking who spez is, for example) are now going to learn more about the controversy and be informed enough to make their own decisions on continuing to use the site. For the short term their engagement will go up but it's very possible that their long-term engagement drops even further after this decision

Preaching to the choir there. But with that being said, a lot of the actual content creators on reddit have jumped ship. It's still going but it's not as busy as it used to be, and upvote/comment numbers are down across almost every sub whenever I look at it. There is clearly a market for that form of content, seeing how it has frequently been plagiarized by Youtubers, instagrammers, and now tiktokers for the past decade or so. If that content truly falls off then reddit will be in serious trouble.

It's a mixed bag. Many of them focus too much on policing the rules as strictly as possible and lose sight of the spirit of the community. They are a necessary evil in my opinion, but they shouldn't be appointed with zero accountability as they currently are. Elections and community votes to remove mods that abuse their power should be more common.

I really don't want to Google this one. I finally stopped getting tired of California Dreaming

Look up sounding

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Mostly cost, a lot of movies already run on thin budgets and timelines, extra filming and editing from having multiple endings cuts into that

Do you live somewhere where growing is legal? How did you get started? I'm interested in self growing but idk where to start, and where I live it's not exactly allowed

Adding onto what OP said, housing prices have literally more than doubled in the past two years, and interest rates were at record lows during that time, especially in 2020